The U.S. military is joining forces with the State Department to prepare a new Iraq strategy that includes negotiating cease-fire and power-sharing agreements with some enemy combatants, U.S. officials said Wednesday.
A "joint campaign plan redesign team" is preparing the diplomatic and military strategy for Iraq, which is expected to be approved by the end of the month.
The team laying out the new course for how to proceed in the four-year-old war is led by Gen. David Petraeus, commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, and Ryan Crocker, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, the officials told CNN.
One element of the plan is to try to identify groups of people -- possibly including Sunni extremists and militia groups -- with whom U.S. officials feel they can do business, such as negotiating power-sharing and cease-fire agreements and granting economic aid, the sources said. (Watch how the new strategy aims to create stability )
But those with whom officials feel they cannot do business -- such as determined suicide bombers -- will remain targets of military forces, the sources said.
"We have been focused too long on defeating the enemy," one official said. "We need to bring them to the negotiating table."
i guess the a**holes in washington have finally figured out that we are not going to be able to kill all of the insurgents, so now it wants to talk to them...they even want to talk to the extremists now....don\'t they realize that the extremists are the same guys that give those suicide bombers the green light?...oh well i guess they need to do something, with the american casulties hovering near 3500, this thing has been a quadmire...and now bush wants to make some bulls**t ass speach about Bin-Laden making Iraq the forefront on the the war on terror...what an idiot...
Four years of this constant fighting with no end in sight whatsoever...and we can say "we have the best military" till the cows come home, but the fact remains that our forces are stretched to the limit and our forces are bein worn down, and it\'s takin\' more of a toll on us than it is on them....our soldiers are brave this i know, but they also want to stay alive...these insurgents and suicide bombers don\'t care whether they live or die and will be replaced almost instantly with another crazed bomber....