I downloaded it a few days ago and I\'m really impressed. I like how everything is laid out. It puts everything in my library in one window with ease (which was a problem I had with past version...i could just be dumb). I like the browser feature. I still use an actual web browser but I log onto guitar tab websites so I don\'t have to keep flipping between winamp and Firefox to play songs and tabs and stuff. I just really like the way its layed out. Anyone else have this version?
EDIT: I\'ve been playing around with the shoutcasts. There\'s some pretty cool radio and tv stations. BTW, for you pervs, there\'s a lot of porn shoutcasts out there. I\'m really liking the radio stations though. I really wish I found this stuff on the older versions, lol. I just used Winamp to play music and not all the bells and whistles.