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Author Topic: my new toy  (Read 424 times)

Offline Titan

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my new toy
« on: January 06, 2008, 06:05:28 PM »
Well, its not so new, lol. I\'ve had it for a couple weeks. I got it for my 21st and finally got around to posting a picture. Its an Ibanez AES10E. It plays and sounds great. I wasn\'t going to get it. I had a list of guitars I liked and when I went into Guitar Center, I almost left disappointed that I didn\'t play a guitar that I liked lookwise and playwise. I even saw this one online and thought it looked ridiculous. Then I saw it in person, was taken by its looks, picked it up and played it and just fell in love with it.

The one on the left is my Schecter Gryphon. I\'ve had it for a year and a half. Also a great playing guitar with a good sound. Kinda want to put better pickups in it eventually.
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