So, why exactly did we close Uni\'s pro Nazi thread? Are we not allowed to call someone on their obvious and stupid comments? Maybe we should just all pussy foot around so we don\'t offend people from Holland or Cyprus. Even better, let\'s just support the fact someone thinks the Jews deserved to die and the other person wants someone\'s entire fuckin\' family to die.
Yeah, that\'s real fuckin\' brilliant. Good call on closing a thread, instead of letting the thread just die on it\'s own.
So, in summary. The forum now stands for..
Jews = Deserve to die!
Whole families = deserve to die!
The more amazing thing is, two years ago what happened in that thread would of resulted in bans for three members (me, Uni and PolitetRetarded). Now, all that happens is the fuckin\' thread is closed with a smartass comment.
Dont mind LIC. He may be showing off his e-penis in here, but in real life his attitude costs him dearly
You don\'t know me in real life, so quit trying to act so fucking smart. This is a god damn forum, get over it. People say what they want and offend whom they want. I\'d imagine ninety percent of people on these forums don\'t talk about or act the way they act on this forum. It\'s just like I assume you\'re really not THAT stupid in real life and you just like to pretend that you\'re a complete and total fucking inbred retard on this forum.
You can close this. I\'ll make another. Until my questions are answered. I\'m not dropping this. You don\'t wish an entire race of people dead and you don\'t wish my kids death. That\'s fuckin\' bullshit. I don\'t care if I get insulted. Hell, I insult all that time and expect the same. But when you start bringing people\'s family into it, you\'re crossing a line.
Luke can say "awesome" all he fuckin\' wants. But I gurantee if someone started calling his wife a whore and wanting her to die, he wouldn\'t feel it was so fucking "awesome".
As for Clips - yeah I could of cut him slack, but I never crossed the line like he did.
I figure MM will close this with his normal smartass comment - that\'s fine. I\'ll make another. And another after that. If you must ban me, ban me. I don\' give a rat\'s ass. But I think the thread wasn\'t over and more importantly, lines were crossed. If I get banned, someone else should get banned. As much as I dislike Uni , he never crossed that line.