well, I\'m just grinding my axe and planning a good ol\' fashioned viking hunt.
But the economy is going down the drain everywhere and Iceland is being hit pretty hard. Talks of us going bankrupt and whatnot are very exaggerated, however the banks here fell like so many banks around the world. And one fell directly because of badly chosen words by Gordon Brown and as a result of him taking unnecessary anti terrorist legal actions, which froze certain assets, assets that were to be sold to pay the money they claim are being stolen by Icelandic bankers. A dick move on his part to say the least.
However it\'s working in his favor, because getting the people of England enraged diverts attention from the various fuck ups going on in his backyard. But making false statements that a friendly neighboring nation is bankrupt and then to use an anti terrorist legislation against said country, not just a dick move but... for many states that\'s reason enough for war. But thankfully, we\'re a peaceful people.... that happen not to have any military power what so ever.
But this situation is just a temporary he said she said bullshit situation created by people with too much money not willing to part with their billions. It\'ll blow over soon...