I don\'t have time to look into some nobody\'s 1776 influenced policy choices. He ain\'t President, he\'ll never be President, and thankfully his views are only shared by those in no position to assert influence over others in power. CAMPAIGN FOR NOTHING...cause nothing will ever come out of it get it? Pretty catchy. Maybe I\'ll start a CAMPAIGN FOR AWESOME and it\'ll catch on with the 18-29 demo.
State decision is a cheap cop out. Make a national decision and stick with it. Or uphold R v W, pretty simple.
Gun control...broken either way. Why Americans need guns in the first place I don\'t know. If the English invade again then maybe you have something.
I\'m going from past collapses. You know, using actual pieces of evidence. Not spouting off some random lines about liberty and freedom with no empirical data suggesting a success rate.