For me, the three standouts are assassin\'s creed 2 (duh), uncharted 2, and modern warfare 2. (lot of 2\'s this year)
MW2 is fun but I dont get any more out of it than i did with MW1 (the new killstreaks were the only thing that separates it a bit for me)
so it\'s a huge tossup between UC2 and AC2. AC2 is a better deal with the huge world, bunch of crap to do, and I love the gameplay probably more than anything else that came out this whole generation.
that being said, there\'s no \'WOW\' moment in AC2, like uncharted, since it\'s such a big game. it\'s more about the overall experience. UC2 is shorter but amazingly paced, some of the best set-pieces ever, great gameplay, and is the closest thing we\'ve had to an interactive movie that doesn\'t rely on cutscenes.
So, while ill get more time and overall enjoyment out of AC2, Uncharted 2 has to be my game of the year