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And statistically more likely to cause long term bodily harm and related accidents!!
I\'ve got me a nice little collection of devices started. Sprung for a volcano a year and a half ago. Love the thing.
I have smoked everyday for the past few years and in that time i\'ve gotten in shape, went back to finish high school, and am now getting ready to attend college. That being said weed was totally a gateway drug for a time and I tried and got addicted to other drugs that I had no business doing. Thanks to some good friends who had been there before they helped me get off the other stuff I was on. However as i\'ve said I have continued to smoke weed.Late at night usually around 3-4 hours before I go to sleep. I don\'t drink alcohol so when I go out with my friends I always just get stoned. Never had a confrontation with people at a party because of it. Drunks on the other hand...heres my bong... I should probably clean that bitch