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Author Topic: Obama on Leno  (Read 1395 times)

Offline Bozco
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Obama on Leno
« on: March 19, 2009, 09:20:49 PM »
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I was watching and couldn\'t believe what I heard.  Should be interesting to see how people react.

Oh and I wasn\'t sure whether to put this in CE or OT

Offline Paul2

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Obama on Leno
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2009, 11:19:30 PM »
honestly, i don\'t get it.  I don\'t see anything wrong with that interview.

Offline Viper_Fujax

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Obama on Leno
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2009, 11:35:51 PM »
people are too damn sensitive

granted it wasn\'t the best comment and it\'ll definitly get a lot of flak from fred but COME ON!

the more he talked the more I have more confidence hell help fix everything when all is said and done. and after hearing vid and others talk i was leaning towards their point of view of having less government interaction with business, but not so much after hearing him talk.

if there\'s no intervention and we let the market just go, then we run into this problem with these greedy fucks at the top creating a bubble that will eventually burst.

now im almost more worried about an arms race going on between businesses and governement..the government will make laws to deal with this situation, but the top guys will inevitably find ways to do morally bad, short-sighted things that will lead to more long-term collapses mainly because of his statement that all of the things that got us in trouble were legal things to do at the time

edit: on a side note..i know i shouldnt be suprised since youtube morons have been around since youtube started..but the racism is just fuckin ridiculous
« Last Edit: March 19, 2009, 11:40:25 PM by Viper_Fujax »
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Obama on Leno
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2009, 01:56:54 AM »
I didn\'t see anything wrong with the interview either. As viper stated, he had to intervene...imagine what would happen if the markets just crashed.... we\'d be in s**tsville and the only folks that would be ok thru that fiasco, would be the folks that are well off. He just wants to put policies in place that\'ll make it difficult for this to happen again.

I\'am a little confused with these recent AIG bonuses tho....i do remember after the first half of the bailout money went out and these big firms were spending money on lavish parties and such, Obama wrote some type of provision that stated any company gives it\'s ceo a bonus of either 4 or 500,000 that the said company would have to find a way to pay that ceo other than with the bailout funds.

In the interview i did hear him say that those bonuses had something to do with the bush adminstration, but i\'m not so sure, rumor is that tim geitner\'s team had something to do with AIG receiving these bonuses....maybe there was some type of deal made with the bush admin. that promised AIG ceo\'s bonuses from the bailout money, but i think it\'s wrong for any company to be doin\' stupid s**t like that, especially when you\'re askin\' for taxpayers money to keep you afloat.

It\'s those ceo\'s that are getting these bonuses and ignoring the financial crisis we\'re in. Obama still wants folks to be successful, but i think he just wants to stop the greed.
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Obama on Leno
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2009, 04:46:39 AM »
I haven\'t had time to bowl in months.

Bonuses had nothing to do with any administration by the way. AIG is a private company.  Or it was.  The bonuses were in the contracts of the employees and if they didn\'t receive the bonuses then the government who now was bailing them out could have been sued.  It\'s a big pile of crap really and I have to say that taxing them was a great way to say FUCK you !!!  There\'s one tax I can agree with!!

There is nothing wrong with bonus incentives.  I mean that\'s the American way.  But you can\'t bonus someone when a company is failing.  Bonus money is supposed to come out of profits before the end of the year. You also can\'t bonus people who are at the heart of the reason for this company\'s collapse.
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Obama on Leno
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2009, 08:10:21 AM »
Thanks for clearin\' that up...and i completely agree.
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Offline Viper_Fujax

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Obama on Leno
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2009, 09:30:28 AM »
the bonuses themselves didnt have anything to do with an adminstration but Dodd (cant remember his first name) said it was him that put the law in the bailout bill that they could use the money for bonuses. So it was the government\'s fault that the money was used for bonuses
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Offline Eiksirf
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Obama on Leno
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2009, 09:47:58 AM »
I read that the White House called the head of the Special Olympics and apologized before the show aired. They knew that\'d ruffle feathers over there, which it did, but apologizing beforehand kept them from calling for the special attack dogs.
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Offline Bozco
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Obama on Leno
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2009, 10:18:32 AM »
When I made the post I was running on like 30 minutes sleep....

The only reason I made the post is over what Eik is talking about, the special olympics comment.  Did none of you watch the 25 second clip or hear him say it when actually watching?  I about spit my Coke out.  I guess the media is being pretty kind to him so far over it.  Now if it was a conservative president...ha
« Last Edit: March 20, 2009, 10:20:54 AM by Bozco »

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Obama on Leno
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2009, 01:35:12 PM »
I think President Obama is being really generous to take his busy time to go to California for 2 days making speeches and answering questions in some cities.  Not only that, but he went to Leno Show even though he doesn\'t have to just to please the fans.

Like some news reporters said, they probably said more bad stuffs in 1 minute than Obama would in 40 minutes on TV and Obama was just tired and what he said was misinterpreted.

Look at Miley Cyrus, she made slanted eyes on one of her photos and I wasn\'t offended at it at all even though i thought it quite bad.

Last year, a news reporter said "...all the gays cause the earthquakes in China."  I thought that was really bad, but I understand that news reporter was frustrated about something that\'s why he said that.  He didn\'t even apologize about it.  And it doesn\'t seems like anybody make a big deal out of it.

At least Obama later cleared that up and apologized and so was Miley Cyrus who also apologized about her photo incident.

I guess the more famous you are, you are more likely to get nitpick than less famous people.

but again, there are a lot more important things in the world to be worry about than those no important incidents.

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Obama on Leno
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2009, 01:45:43 PM »
Can we not mention Miley Cyrus and President Obama in the same sentence, please? That\'s retarded.

Offline Paul2

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Obama on Leno
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2009, 02:04:20 PM »
I am just trying to make an example and comparison between famous and non famous people getting nitpick or not on their actions.  I am not making a comparison between intelligence here.

Doesn\'t mean I like Miley Cyrus songs at all because its not my type of music.

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Obama on Leno
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2009, 03:53:43 PM »
it sure wasn\'t the best comment to make and sure enough when I woke up in the morning, that is the first thing I saw. Fox even said something to the tune of him not having anything better to do as president then to appear on late night tv.

Im assuming that they have forgotten their friend Bush has taken 1020 days of vacation. That is nearly 3 years!

I like how he is running around everywhere, he seems involved, which is alot better than not being involved. For that I will give him credit as trying to lead like he is supposed to be. Whether he succeeds is another story.
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Offline Viper_Fujax

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Obama on Leno
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2009, 04:09:27 PM »
considering the general public doesnt understand everything that is going on economically (and rightfully so..shit\'s conviluted. i only have a basic understanding of it with 2 courses), i think it\'s good/worthwhile for him to go around talking about it. especially when a lot of the stock market and bank loaning is based around the public\'s confidence in those systems

He\'s basically a manager, and he\'s assigning people to do the actual work to get the economy fixed. it\'s not like he could be doing equations and solving all our problems instead of telling the american public what\'s going on
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Obama on Leno
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2009, 03:31:53 PM »
There was a recent lecture I attended last week that makes me think of this topic.  To sum it up, he believes those who best define the problem are going to be the ones that are best at solving it.  I\'m all for talking about the problem as long as we do something as well.
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