What\'s that about history and being doomed to repeat it?
OK,AK, and TX...yea that is much better
You would get fucked again. It would suck if it turned out to to be north vs south again. I\'d have to move back up north...fuck the south.
Do you really think you could survive without federal assistance?
You bet your ass the military would back the government, otherwise they would end up in jail or could just go to the other side. Do you really think the majority would go with a crazy state or two that decided to go solo?
What federal assistance are you referring to? I don\'t think you understand that all of our tax revenue goes to the federal government so they can redistribute it to other states. We get a small portion back - but that is already ours to begin with.
If Texas alone left the Union - and yes Texas was a Republic once - the US would be fucked. Almost all of the nations refineries are here.
Yes, I do believe the military would go with the states that left if it happened under this current administration. The military hates Obama. Veterans hate Obama. Do you seriously think the majority of people would stomach the killing of their former countrymen when they can\'t even stomach 4000 US casualties in Iraq over a 4 year period? Good luck getting them to "invade" Texas.
If it were up to me, I wouldn\'t even give you and others the chance to "relocate", I would relocate you all into labor camps
In all seriousness though the current government is trashing civil liberties and turning this country into a nanny state. Why do you think gun and ammo sales are at record levels? Veterans are being listed as potential terrorists by the Department of Homeland Security? The president is firing people from private corporations and taking them over or forcing them into deals like Chrysler merging with Fiat (btw didn\'t GM pay Fiat billions just to go away a few years ago?), this administrations stamping out of any criticism, the Fairness Doctrine is being tossed around... seriously, WTF!?
Then again, swine flu this fall may not make any of this relevant.