I was just thinking how much energy the u.s. must\'ve saved on our highways and interstates when they started using those new highway signs that use some type of new reflective technology. They only been using it for about ten years now i think, but if you\'ve noticed alot of the signs on the highways today don\'t need lights attached to them for you to see them at night.
I\'m not saying that interstates still don\'t use lighted highway signs, but i think by using that new technology, it had to have cut down on the electrical energy being used at least up to 65-70%. As much as i\'ve driven on the nj turnpike, interstate 95/85/78/80/287....i\'ve noticed alot of the highway signs don\'t use lights for you to see them anymore....the new reflective tech reflects the headlights from vehicles in a way that you don\'t need lights on the signs anymore