Lost $389M ?? Do you think the pattern will continue or will they possibly break even next quarter?
I\'m having trouble reading the forcast, but I think they expect to make a profit for the whole 2009, 30 billion yen.. OR a loss of 110 billion yen. :P
http://www.sony.net/SonyInfo/IR/financial/fr/viewer/09q1/Anyway, the strong yen is hurting them BAD.
I wonder if the playstation was moved into the new group to save the VAIO and walkman or if they are trying to hide their losses on it? Legit question, I really don\'t know the answer.
It was moved there because of Stringers new charge to place importance onto software. They want to improve on getting devices to communitcate with eachother.
In the past Sony has designed hardware first while software comes second.. he wants hardware and software to be developed together.
Sony will be using the PlayStation Network platform for many other devices now, VAIO computers, Bravia TVs maybe even Walkmans. The move to place these devices in one group is to make it easier for the teams to communicate with each other.
Stringer has in the past said that we was annoyed by Sonys lack of internal communication. He said it has happened that one part of Sony has developed something that was already developed by a completely different team somewhere else. Sony is huge, they need to work better together.