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Author Topic: Democrat screams at constituent for asking tough question on health care  (Read 3889 times)

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Democrat screams at constituent for asking tough question on health care
« Reply #45 on: September 01, 2009, 04:37:54 AM »
Quote from: videoholic
OK.. do you seriously not understand the logic as a business deal?  

Here is the agreement I want to do with you.  I have a family of 4.  I want you to be there for me if I ever need you.  You are my sort of safety net.  I\'m going to pay you 100 dollars a month.  But I have to tell you one thing.  My son has an arm falling off that will cost $350,000 to re-attach.  The arm is barely attached so I need to do it pretty soon.  So here is my 100 bucks..  Now over the next month you have to pay my doctor 350,000...  

Or, you can just say no.

I actually understand that scenario....but my situation is nowhere near as severe as that. I can see being denied for something you described, but my daughter had an infected finger that only needed to be treated with some antibiotics...ultimately yes the medication and follow up would\'ve cost more than my 150 a month bill, but my whole thing is why they would deny me for something as minor as that.

Eventually with time i would\'ve ended up paying for these treatments ten times over, and i understand in some scenarios the ins. folks have a right to deny people, but why even advertise on tv that we\'ll cover you or that you have great affordable packages, but you won\'t cover folks with pre-existing conditions as simple as something as a infected finger?

I see what you\'re sayin\', i just don\'t feel it\'s right to deny people for something almost symbolic as a scratch.
knowledge, wisdom & understanding..these are the basic fundamentals of life

if you can\'t amaze them with brilliance, baffle them with bullsh*t....


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