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Author Topic: Obama to make use of the SS to make communist paradise  (Read 2534 times)

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Obama to make use of the SS to make communist paradise
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2009, 09:57:08 AM »
Eik...i don\'t know about that...honestly because in all of the times that bush or any other president have engaged students or interacted with them at their schools, i\'ve never heard of anybody s**ting a brick over it...schools in my area have opted not to let the school kids hear the speech. I\'ve NEVER heard of any other prez being denied or shunned down over something as just wanting to give an honest speech to our kids...and this wasn\'t just republican polititians screaming this garbage, it was alot of parents.

Some were saying that they were afraid Obama was going to brainwash them?...C\'mon man...i\'m just calling it for what it is....I do believe that maybe a small portion of it was political, but alot of it was racial....it\'s troubling when you have full county\'s and districts across america stating that they didn\'t want their children to view the speech...and not because it was interfearing(spel) with their classwork, but only because they felt it was a political speech. To me it\'s just painfully obvious.

Even when 911 occured bush was in a classroom with children watching and engaging them and nobody thought that when he spoke to them that he was going to brainwash them, yet when Obama wants to speak to them, it\'s a problem?...i\'m not givin\' those a$$holes the benefit of the doubt.
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Obama to make use of the SS to make communist paradise
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2009, 05:52:11 PM »
You honestly think this is a race thing?  God, it\'s 2009, we\'re over that.

People are just paranoid about his political beliefs.
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Obama to make use of the SS to make communist paradise
« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2009, 06:50:35 PM »
You\'d be hard pressed to make me think this is racial in any way.  To me I just think his beliefs are shear lunacy and I would rather my child not be preached to.  I absolutely can\'t stand listening to that man speak.  Never have, never will.  How people get inspired by a dude who reads off a teleprompter like a religious leader is ridiculous.

But, would I keep my child home to not watch it?  No.  I have to work to pay for my health insurance.  And apparently all the people who don\'t have it as well...  oye.  Could have sworn we already had medicaid and medicare for the people who couldn\'t afford health insurance, but whatever.
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Obama to make use of the SS to make communist paradise
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2009, 09:08:07 AM »
Quote from: clips
I wish people would stop sugar coating this(obama educational speech) and read between the lines...since when is it a problem for the president to speak to american kids about the importance of education? Plenty of past presidents have visited schools and spoken to students, and you\'ve never heard of people talking about "i don\'t want my kids to hear or see the president".....whoops..the u.s. elects the first black prez and the racist a**holes show their true colors.

The guy just gave a pep talk to students and he has a secret agenda behind it?...people need to get offa that ignorant s**t... It\'s a sad day when school districts choose not to show a speech by the prez that is strickly for the benefit of our youth, because of the color of the presidents skin..yeah i said it....i don\'t see how anybody could have a problem with the president or any president from either party giving an honest pep talk to our kids.

We may have elected our first black prez, but america keeps exposing itself and keeps reminding the world that it has a long way to go....

Clips calling people racist because they disagree with Bobo... go figure.  :rolleyes:  

Funny how when Bush 41 spoke to students at a classroom in Washington DC back in 91 the DemoRats held hearings about it!!!!  I don\'t want Barry or his ilk anywhere near my kids.

You obviously didn\'t see the lesson plan that first accompanied his indoctrination speech did you?  It was called "What I can do to help President Obama" -  that is indoctrination plain and simple.  Thankfully our ISD chose not to show any of Obummers speech.  
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Obama to make use of the SS to make communist paradise
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2009, 10:28:04 AM »
As Luckee said back in 2003 in the "few simple rules..." thread:
Keep things civil in here. Blatant insults directed at others for any reason won\'t be tolerated.

The last sentence in your post was unnecessary.  If you think your argument isn\'t strong enough without an insult or a personal attack, then maybe you should write another draft of your post.
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Obama to make use of the SS to make communist paradise
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2009, 10:58:06 AM »
Oh my argument is strong enough on it own.  My hatred toward you and your kind is equally as strong.

Fastson and his Koskiddy Keith Olberman watching buddies are just mad Beck called out Van Jones and won.  Not to mention Beck alone beats MSNBC\'s primetime line up put together!  In a crappy time slot as well!
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 11:02:28 AM by GigaShadow »
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Obama to make use of the SS to make communist paradise
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2009, 11:57:17 AM »
Quote from: GigaShadow
Oh my argument is strong enough on it own.
OK, so we\'re in agreement that you\'re not going to do that anymore?
BTW, it might be nice if you could remove it.
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Obama to make use of the SS to make communist paradise
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2009, 06:43:46 PM »
Had to Edit Giga...  Sorry, but that was uncalled for.
We all have our views...  Not sure how Clips can have the view he has, but he had the right to have it.  As crazy as it may seem....  ;)
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Obama to make use of the SS to make communist paradise
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2009, 09:27:32 PM »
Quote from: GigaShadow
Clips calling people racist because they disagree with Bobo... go figure.  :rolleyes:  

Funny how when Bush 41 spoke to students at a classroom in Washington DC back in 91 the DemoRats held hearings about it!!!!  I don\'t want Barry or his ilk anywhere near my kids.

You obviously didn\'t see the lesson plan that first accompanied his indoctrination speech did you?  It was called "What I can do to help President Obama" -  that is indoctrination plain and simple.  Thankfully our ISD chose not to show any of Obummers speech.  

I\'ll only call it racist when it\'s obvious and here it\'s obvious. The president wants to talk to our children and parents and republicans think he\'s trying to recruit or brainwash them?..."uhm i don\'t want my kids to listen to him cause he might brainwash them"....that is thee most idiotic thing i have ever heard and these folks sayin\' this are just cowards for not saying what they really feel.

Who cares if he had a lesson plan? Ultimately it was only there to help the children set a plan up to help them through school....damn you have a prez that honestly just wants assist our youth and people think he\'s tryin\' to take over....and yet Bush sent our young men and women to die in an unjust war with a country that had nothing to do with 911 and people are just fine with that....Bush and his crew actually brainwashed the mindless american public into believing Saddam was a major threat...

I don\'t care if folks don\'t agree with obama,..i don\'t agree with everything he has planned for the country, but this issue with people not wanting their kids to listen to him is just plain idiotic....nobody should have a problem with any prez giving their children an honest to goodness speech about education.
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Obama to make use of the SS to make communist paradise
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2009, 04:53:24 AM »
wait you didn\'t think Saddam was a serious threat?  Maybe not so much in his later years, but lets not kid ourselves into thinking everything was sunshine and lollipops over there in Iraq.

(not saying I agreed with the war, but the man was clearly a threat.)
\"In the last 12 months 100,000 private sector jobs have been lost and yet you\'ve created 30,000 public sector jobs. Prime Minister, you cannot carry on forever squeezing the productive bit of the economy in order to fund an unprecidented engorgement of the unproductive bit. You cannot spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt.\" - Daniel Hannan

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Obama to make use of the SS to make communist paradise
« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2009, 09:49:27 AM »
I\'m sure that some of the president\'s opponents are racists.  I\'m sure that some conservatives have subconscious racist tendencies, and don\'t know it.  However in this case I don\'t agree that this is an obvious case of mass racism.
I think many conservatives are simply uncomfortable with President Obama because he\'s too smart.  They don\'t like the idea of a charismatic individual arguing for positions they disagree with, and doing it with eloquence they could never hope to achieve.  The height of eloquent debate from some conservatives is limited to shouting down the opponent and repeating long disproven falsehoods.
They would rather have a rube or a hayseed in office so they can feel superior to him.  If you\'re an ignorant idiot, would you want your children to hear a speech from a smart man who can present an argument clearly and persuasively?  That might turn the kids against you!
Of course Obama didn\'t present any political agenda to the students, but that\'s beside the point.  The point is they were afraid that he would, and that his argument would be too persuasive.  Defenders of the Faith!  We must protect the children from the truth!  See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
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Obama to make use of the SS to make communist paradise
« Reply #26 on: September 11, 2009, 08:59:38 PM »
Quote from: Coredweller
I\'m sure that some of the president\'s opponents are racists.  I\'m sure that some conservatives have subconscious racist tendencies, and don\'t know it.  However in this case I don\'t agree that this is an obvious case of mass racism.
I think many conservatives are simply uncomfortable with President Obama because he\'s too smart.  They don\'t like the idea of a charismatic individual arguing for positions they disagree with, and doing it with eloquence they could never hope to achieve.  The height of eloquent debate from some conservatives is limited to shouting down the opponent and repeating long disproven falsehoods.
They would rather have a rube or a hayseed in office so they can feel superior to him.  If you\'re an ignorant idiot, would you want your children to hear a speech from a smart man who can present an argument clearly and persuasively?  That might turn the kids against you!
Of course Obama didn\'t present any political agenda to the students, but that\'s beside the point.  The point is they were afraid that he would, and that his argument would be too persuasive.  Defenders of the Faith!  We must protect the children from the truth!  See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

I still stand by my argument, albeit a little less after reading this....ahhhh Core always the voice of rational thought and reason..:fro:....as for the racism..It was moreso obvious for me from the common folks seen on tv being interviewed (yeah i know..the media manipulates and instigates this stuff) but the people being interviewed gave such an obivious demeanor and tone that you could just sense..it really made you just say wow.

 It was a bit more disturbing since some of these folks were just your average middle class parents talkin\' like that and you\'d think whether they\'re dems or repubs that the prez speakin\' to your kids about education would be something that every parent would welcome regardless of party affiliation.

As far as polititians are concerned, i too believe that some may be racists but in this instance it\'s more about them just being incredibly radical and not liking anything a democratic prez has to say.

wait you didn\'t think Saddam was a serious threat? Maybe not so much in his later years, but lets not kid ourselves into thinking everything was sunshine and lollipops over there in Iraq.

(not saying I agreed with the war, but the man was clearly a threat.)

My main point was that he had nothing to do with 9/11 (and that bush brainwashed the american public compared to a prez that just wanted to speak to our kids about education)....sure he was a threat, but not to the point to where we needed to invade his country...saddam was more of a threat to his own people than he ever was of the u.s....after we took care of him in 91, saddam was reduced to nothing more than a small time dictator.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2009, 09:03:22 PM by clips »
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Obama to make use of the SS to make communist paradise
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2009, 01:03:49 PM »
Quote from: GigaShadow

Fastson and his Koskiddy Keith Olberman watching buddies are just mad Beck called out Van Jones and won.  Not to mention Beck alone beats MSNBC\'s primetime line up put together!  In a crappy time slot as well!

For the record, the few times I have seen Keith Olberman, I never liked him. Like someone else said, you cant take him seriously. I dont know who Van Jones is.

But I am not surprised you like Beck though. :)
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Obama to make use of the SS to make communist paradise
« Reply #28 on: September 12, 2009, 06:25:37 PM »
Beck also has had some great stuff on ACORN lately.  Kind of funny that an organization like ACORN who Obama has been so tied to gets no press from this undercover video that FOX put out there a couple days ago.  Didn\'t ACORN get a freaking ton of money from the the stimulus package or something?
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