I haven\'t seen it, but aren\'t they making the button sequences purposefully frustrating so you can have the frustrations the character is having?
And do the button sequences change each time you try it?
yea, it looks like stuff will be harder to pull off when your character is under distress which is cool, but the stuff that cerb and I are talking about is a little different.
It\'s like you play twister with your fingers and hold L1, then hold X, Then hold box, etc while not letting go of the previous buttons your holding down. Sounds easier than what it is since some of the buttons disappear so you can let go of them, but its hard to let go of the right ones since itll mess up if you let go of one you\'re supposed to be holding onto. And that\'s usually to do stuff like squeeze between a wall and a dumpster or something pretty easy to do in life,lol. I\'m pretty sure the button sequence stays the same, or else itd be way too difficult