I have this weird class where we have to pick a project and build a system around it. It\'s hard to explain since I still dont know what exactly Im going to have to do through the semester. We\'ve only had beginner programming, database, networking, etc courses so I cant imagine we\'ll be doing a ginormous project all by ourselves.
Anyway, my boring idea was to do a project on data mining. Maybe make a system where I fill in a database of stuff and then have an application that allows me to access the database and either present it neatly or do calculations with certain numbers
But it\'d be cool to do something more fun since we have free reigns on the project, so I\'d want to do something oriented around gaming. I just cant think of anything...I dont really think there is a connection since outside of programming (definitly wont be able to program a game,lol), there\'s not much of a connection.
Just seeing if anyone had any ideas. Thought a couple people were IS majors