Hey guys, well i\'m still around. The house is sold and settlement is in september. I haven\'t dated any chicks yet and to be honest i\'m not really interested although there have been a few interests from chicks
I\'ve lost about 32kg which is around 70lbs. I\'m just training and focusing on myself for a change, haven\'t done it in 10 yrs. Still have to keep contact with lisa, hopefully for not much longer, from what i\'ve been told the new guy in her life f@#ked her off and nows she\'s alone too. Karma, its a bitch :thumb:
After she wanted to meet for a chat to explain why she did what she did, most likely weasil her way back into my life. To little to late, Theres no way in hell i\'d ever go back to that.
So hows things? have i missed much. Thought the forums were gone a week or so ago.