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Author Topic: Borderlands 2  (Read 1381 times)

Offline BizioEE

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Borderlands 2
« on: August 13, 2011, 06:24:18 AM »
[size=+2]Borderlands 2[/size]

September Cover Revealed: Borderlands 2


Gearbox Software’s co-op lootfest is back with a host of exciting changes to the first game\'s addictive formula.

The September issue of Game Informer contains 12 pages of exclusive details and screenshots from Borderlands 2, and outlines the numerous improvements the developer has in store for your return trip to Pandora. Don’t expect just a couple bazillion more guns this time around. Gearbox is introducing new and more diverse environments, smarter and more powerful enemies, and an improved mission system capable of delivering a better story. This and much more will be revealed in the story, as well as our full month of additional online content. The game is set for a release in 2K Games\' fiscal year 2013, which begins April 1, 2012, and ends March 31, 2013.

In addition to taking a look at Borderlands 2, the September issue contains an extensive roundup of the games heading to the 3DS this year, plus an in-depth look at how research and development has shaped the creation of some of your favorite era-specific games. We also take a look at the wildly popular I Am 8-Bit art show, and the history of the wildly awful Super Mario Bros. feature film. Plus, find out which holiday game GI readers are most excited about in our revealing survey. The September issue of Game Informer will start arriving in mailboxes in the next few days.



Next Friday, August 19th, 2K Games will be broadcasting LIVE from GamesCom as Gearbox Software presents a demonstration of Borderlands 2 and answers questions from our fans! The world premier online look at our much-anticipated return to Pandora will be broadcast on our uStream channel at http://www.ustream.tv/2kgameslive at 8:00 PT (17:00 CET, 16:00 BST).

Gearbox will also be answer questions during the presentation; to enter your query for a chance at being answered, comment on this blog post, send a tweet to @2KGames or @GearboxSoftware, or post on the 2K Forums and the Gearbox Forums. If your question is asked during the broadcast, we’ll send you a Borderlands 2 swag bag and game when it’s released! We’ll also be grabbing some questions live from the feed during the show – so be sure to join the livestream and chat with other Borderlands fans.

See you at http://www.ustream.tv/2kgameslive on August 19th!

He has the power of both worlds
Girl: What power… beyond my expectations?
Demon: No… the legendary Sparda!?
Dante: You\'re right, but I\'m his son Dante!


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