welcome onboard. nice to see new members coming here. rarely do we get any members new or old coming here. espeially new members which is rarer. oh, english is my 2nd language too.
Thank you Paul!
I undestand your point. I think that the modern so-called social networks drew a lot of users from Forums. This is a real pity because forums still have a reason, since they are specific and not dispersive like FB or TW.
Hey Alex Welcome and good to see you here. Alex is a buddy of mine from another forum. Don't worry about the language. There's plenty of people who post here where English is their 1st language and they still have the language skills of a drunk.
Thank's Titan, it's good to be here!! About the language, allrite, good to know. I am quite familiar with wine and beer, so I think I will be able to handle them. I mean, I'm very far from being an alcholist, but my opinion is that there's no good meal without a good wine, and there's no good company without a good beer.
Oh you'll be fine. The rules are a little more lax than other forums since we are about having fun. The members here are pretty chill and we pick on each other. If you go into Off Topic and check out some threads on the first few pages, you'll get a feel for how the guys are
Yep, I've already noticed the friendly joking atmosphere. I like it!! The Off Topic part of the board has a lot of nice thread I will take part for sure, be prepared... lol.
I activated 2 accounts today actually, Alex being one of them. There are still daily spam bots trying to get on though also although its not as bad as it was a while back.
Spam sux, expecially in the Forums. A few years ago, I used to be the founder of a site for music collaborations, whose heart was a Forum based on phpBB. I'm speaking about 10 years ago more or less, when the spam was not so insisting and intruding but still a big pain because we hadn't real filters to eliminate it automatically, but it was all manual, with a big loss of time.