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For someone with two hands, this might be the most useless skill on the planet. Yet, so many people can't stop watching this video.A Chinese comedian whose YouTube name translates to "Now Not Enough" published a video online Saturday in which he puts on a pair of pants. So what's the reason for the hubbub around the clip? He gets the trousers on without using his hands.The video has more than 1.6 million views. It also has almost 4,000 upvotes on Reddit, where commenters are simply calling it "Majestic."Once you watch the video and see this guy's moves scored to the synths of Europe's "The Final Countdown," you'll understand why. In less than 30 seconds, he steps into the pants, begins moving around as if he's mimicking a choreographed dance routine, and suddenly, like magic, the pants are on securely.Maybe it is magic. Maybe he is a superhero. Judging by the always-reliable YouTube comments section, both or neither could be true. The video also has 16,000 likes, compared to just 762 dislikes from people who clearly will never even attempt such an imposing feat.....