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Author Topic: what to do...  (Read 1558 times)

Offline §ôµÏG®ïñD

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what to do...
« on: November 25, 2014, 04:27:49 PM »
Hey guys. Just want to ask some opinions.

I have a mate, maybe. Who I made a deal with about 7 months or so ago. The deal was i store all his drum gear and he helps me out with a drum kit.

At first i got a kit to use for about 4 or so weeks, in fact he gave me this kit. I even offered to pay for it.
He then came to my house, told me it was someone else's, gave that kit to another mate and told me it was always this other mate’s kit. So yea ok whatever. (Even though he grabbed all the parts randomly from his pile of stuff)

So i wait weeks and weeks (around 6 to 8) and he finally builds me another kit. So I’ve got that kit for about 4 to 6 weeks and again he takes that one back. So ok I’m cool with that as he tells me he will help me build a kit to keep. (He makes no promises on when he'll do this, just when he can be fucked basically)

He gives me parts of a maroon kit that he has and still no help in building it ( i didn't have all the parts, he said he had the parts in the pile) he tells me "Sooner, rather than later" he will help me set it up.
So again I wait weeks and weeks and finally get to a point where I’m tired of waiting. 

So i see him on a Thursday and he tells me his got this shit hot kit (guess that maroon kit wasn't going to happen at this point) and that he's getting it on the weekend and he'll bring it around (although i don't remember him saying he'll bring it on Sunday, which he claims) I'm at this point already tired of hearing how he'll do this and that whenever I've asked him to help me out with a kit.  So it gets to Sunday, I’ve heard nothing from him and have no idea what’s going on.

I send him a message "hey dood. When do you think u can setup that new kit?"    i get no reply for a hr.
I know this guy well, he always has his phone on him. ALWAYS!!  So I send him another text
"if it's not soon. Can you please remove your drum gear from my garage"

Now he basically says I’m trying to blackmail him and I tell him, no I'm giving u an ultimatum as per our arrangement.

Now, I wait from Sunday to Wednesday and get nothing. No messages, no hey dood, this is what’s happening. Nothing!

I tell him at this point "hey, can you please collect your drum kits before Thursday” as I was leaving for a week on a trip and my bro wanted his shit gone before i left.

Finally he comes and collects his stuff a week later then the Thursday i asked him to collect his stuff on. (he didn't have a car as it got stolen, although he has never had problems arranging to use someone else's when he needed it)

He told me I'm a cunt and he wants to smash me. ( a few times)  That I shouldn't mess with him because he's not right in the head.
He told me he had the kit and was going to bring it down on that Sunday I messaged. I explained I got tired of waiting, that he kept telling me he'd do things and took forever to follow through and I had enough of him procrastinating.

so long story short, he stored his shit and got what he wanted.  I got tired of waiting for him to help me out. I had a kit for about 2 to 3 months out of the 7.  I asked him nicely to get his shit and he's acting like he's the victim, even going as far as saying he's disappointment in me. Called me a girl for getting tired of waiting for him to setup a kit and wanting to bash me.

This guy was laying on guilt trips heavy, saying he always does what he says. He always helps out friends and never asks for stuff in return etc.  If he's such a top fucken bloke, why'd he wait for so long to setup drum kits, why take 6 weeks at a time. Was it to hard for him to help me out, was i asking to much from such a clearly great mate that helps out people whenever he could.. Ohh wait, he didn't do shit, he just said a lot of shit that took forever to happen. Then took it back when it did.

His thought logic is he never set any dates on when he'd help me out. So basically when he wanted to do it or could be fucked.  Umm ok, i never set any dates for how long I'd hold his stuff for. So in his logic there shouldn't be a problem.

What would you guys do,
let him store his shit for as long as he wants, while not caring about getting a working drum-kit to use. (as per our agreement)
get tired of waiting and tell him to remove his stuff?
« Last Edit: November 26, 2014, 05:59:42 AM by §ôµÏG®ïñD »
  Ǧµî✟å® Ĵµñķîë!!  

Offline Titan

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Re: what to do...
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2014, 07:39:10 AM »
First off, he's accusing you of being a girl and he sounds like he was carrying on like a little bitch when he wasn't getting his way. Secondly, it's your house. You let him store stuff there. If you want his stuff gone, that's your right and he has to abide by it. Here in the states, I feel you could legally throw his stuff to the curb. Honestly, if I was allowing a friend to store his shit at my house and wasn't doing what he said he was going to or move it out when he said he would, I would give him an ultimatum to get his shit out or I was throwing it out. And you know it wouldn't have been so hard for him to message you saying "hey dude, sorry it's taking so long and this is why...." I think you did the right thing.

You summed it up perfectly in one sentence. He doesn't sound right in the head and him trying to play the guilt trip makes him sound like a toddler's temper tantrum.
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Offline Kurt Angle

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Re: what to do...
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2014, 01:25:41 PM »
Give him an ultimatum. If he doesn't pick it up before a specified date you will throw it out or sell it because you need the space back.

Offline §ôµÏG®ïñD

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Re: what to do...
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2014, 09:06:22 PM »
i already told him to get his shit and he did a week later then i asked. That's why he got all shitty. I was just wondering what people thought and it seems like the same logic as mine.   :thumbsup:
  Ǧµî✟å® Ĵµñķîë!!  


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