Took the survey for you. Sorry, I didn't take the last one. Though, going through this one, I noticed you don't really have a lot of options when it comes to some of your questions. Such as frequency in playing video games. The only choices are Daily and Occasionally. You might get better data if you have other options such as "every other day" or a range of days like every day, every 2-3 days, 4-6 days, etc. Also, the age threw me off. Are you gearing this study towards youth? I only ask because research shows the biggest consumers of video games are not teens and college students, but adults. The biggest demographics is adults between their mid 20s and mid 40s. Furthermore, the time range you ask for time spent is a pretty huge gap (like the 6-20 hours range). I also found the wording on the questions in part 2 to be a bit awkward. I had to reread the questions a few times to understand what you were saying. Some questions, I didn't (Like "Games takes awareness". Don't understand what you were getting at) The simpler the language, the better! What helps is have a friend or family member not involved (or a gamer!) try the survey first.
Not knocking your survey, just giving you some constructive criticism so you can get the best data possible for your thesis

I had to do studies in college like this. So one of those been there done that types of things and I hope I've helped

In fact, it would be cool to see the results and have a discussion on forums like this to debate your conclusion.
EDIT: I fixed your link for you so it's clickable