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Author Topic: Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!  (Read 5661 times)

Offline Vertical694
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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2000, 02:34:45 PM »
I honesty think this is bullcrap imo.Show me some proof from IGN,Videogames.com or another respected nonbiased site then I\'ll believe it.

Offline ddaryl
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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2000, 02:51:43 PM »
Its a lie

I was at Software Etc... and there are XBox flyers everywhere an 0 PS2 signs

and lets face it, MS is already doing its share of BS, like the rumor that Xbox wants 2x\'s as much floor space at E3 then Sony. So in that case  Xbox pulled the 1st punch, actually MS pulled the 1st 10 punches by buying up developers like Oddworld, and Bungie and others, not to mention there attempt to purchase Square. so I have to admit MS makes me want to vomit. BUt as your name choice indicates you\'ve put your blinders on and have rejoined the MS Xbox fanboy club again. You seriously need to realize that MS is doing 100x\'s more BS then Sony has or will.

Its all Bull****, and Reverend I actually thought you might be more capable of posting factual information then net hearsay, Maybe you should try to goto your local stores and actually investigate this for yourself before you waste our time posting it.

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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2000, 04:02:49 PM »
Ktulu said it best. We all knew that this upcomming console war was going to be the bloodiest ever, and I\'m surprised that you\'re surprised at this turn of events (Should it be true). The Sega vs. Nintnedo days were small potatoes, now with corperate GIANTS like Sony & Microsoft who know how to throw their weight around in the ring, I wouldn\'t put anything past any one of these companies.
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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2000, 04:48:22 PM »
If the rumors are true then I have to commend Sony. Yes, that right, commend them. If Sony is doing that then they have seen reality, they have eccepted the fact that the console market is not going to be handed down to them on a silver plate, they are actualy going to have to fight for it. Its a dirty tactic, and this is pretty well sony\'s only time to use it, becuase in a year they won\'t be able to.

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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2000, 05:26:46 AM »
I think X-box will be a decent console ( this is not a flame to microsoft, but...!!! ) but you gotta face the fact that Microsoft doesn\'t have any kind of experience in the console -business and marketing et developing. Now, that\'s why they boost us an advanced Pentium III with 733 MHz. That\'s practically a computer with different suit. We all know what to expect form X-box.

You can\'t compare x-box and ps2 because they\'re so different. I won\'t say here wich\'ll eventually be better because I don\'t know ( it seems like sony will succeed better... well, sony has reputation; and backwards compatibility with PSone boosts up some buyers... however, there are lots of people who wait and see what MS can really offer in the console-business before judging it... that\'s because people don\'t trust MS in console-business ( yet )).

PS2 has EE. It\'s better than any Pentium III in some ways, but in someways it can be little worse. It has flaws and goodies ( more of these goodies ;)), but I\'d eventually pick EE than Pentium III.

Microsoft has money. It could develop a console we have never seen before ( in the graphs department ); but AGAIN it isn\'t all about graphics. And it "seems" that x-box will not be so much better than PS2. All whom are saying "X-box will be 10 times better than PS2" are just biasing.

Again, remember that this isn\'t a biased text. I\'m trying to tell my thoughts out here; my personal opinions. I have nothing against microsoft. Windows is rather good system ( compared to Mac.. wich I hate.. sorry Mac-fans...)!

[FONT=\"Impact\"][SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"SlateGray\"]\"If only you could see what I have seen with your eyes\"[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

Offline ProfessorX
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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #20 on: December 10, 2000, 08:00:41 AM »

and lets face it, MS is already doing its share of BS, like the rumor that Xbox wants 2x\'s as much floor space at E3 then Sony. So in that case Xbox pulled the 1st punch, actually MS pulled the 1st 10 punches by buying up developers like Oddworld, and Bungie and others, not to mention there attempt to purchase Square. so I have to admit MS makes me want to vomit. BUt as your name choice indicates you\'ve put your blinders on and have rejoined the MS Xbox fanboy club again. You seriously need to realize that MS is doing 100x\'s more BS then Sony has or will.

First off I agree with Sony and what they are doing. I see it as common business practice to protect your investment. MS will be doing the same kind of crap later.

Floorspace? You guys are worried about floorspace? When the hell did that matter in a console race? Damn! MS put that rumor out? I thought I read that in a magazine not by an MS press release, next gen or egm if I remember correctly and the story was told in the third person?

When did MS try to buy Square? If anything is a rumor it should be that one! DDaryll I usually agree with all of your statements but not this one. 10 punches? They bought Digital Anvil, nothing great IMHO, and Bungie! That\'s two! Sony bought pysgnosis back in the day when PS1 was coming to the market but MS does the same thing and you guys don\'t like it? Where the hell were you guys when Sony did that?

MS doing 100X more BS? Come on man...you know they are lying equally! What happened to the 1,000,00 at launch? Even after that blunder Sony said they would ship 100,000 each week after that and where are they? Come on now MS is going to lie and so will Sony! You guys see Sony as this white knight, let me let you in on a secret: they are a huge corporation...just like MS.

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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2000, 03:42:24 PM »
The Reverend is a comedic genius (despite the fact that he clearly has a very small penis).

So he\'s trying to get us to accept Microsoft by attempting to justify their business practices by claiming that Sony does the same exact thing? Funny stuff. I mean, every company plays dirty, but on the same level as Microsoft?! I don\'t think so...

"the truth shalt be known!"

Yeah but not by you.
Er, excuse me, how much for one of those, uh, prophylactics?..........But I don\'t have a dollar and thirty-five cents!

Offline ddaryl
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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #22 on: December 12, 2000, 05:37:39 PM »
Originally posted by ProfessorX

First off I agree with Sony and what they are doing. I see it as common business practice to protect your investment. MS will be doing the same kind of crap later.

Floorspace? You guys are worried about floorspace? When the hell did that matter in a console race? Damn! MS put that rumor out? I thought I read that in a magazine not by an MS press release, next gen or egm if I remember correctly and the story was told in the third person?

When did MS try to buy Square? If anything is a rumor it should be that one! DDaryll I usually agree with all of your statements but not this one. 10 punches? They bought Digital Anvil, nothing great IMHO, and Bungie! That\'s two! Sony bought pysgnosis back in the day when PS1 was coming to the market but MS does the same thing and you guys don\'t like it? Where the hell were you guys when Sony did that?

MS doing 100X more BS? Come on man...you know they are lying equally! What happened to the 1,000,00 at launch? Even after that blunder Sony said they would ship 100,000 each week after that and where are they? Come on now MS is going to lie and so will Sony! You guys see Sony as this white knight, let me let you in on a secret: they are a huge corporation...just like MS.

Well Mr. X, its been proven that SOny is doing no such thing which I suspected in the 1st place, 2nd the rumor of MS wanting 2x\'s as much floor space at E3 was posted on a reputable site and is just a rumor, but the isdea is to take over any and all possible thunder from GC, PS2, and DC. In other words dorwed out the compettion so MS can take over. I\'m sure GC, DC and PS2 fans would like to see what they\'re console sare offering not just MS Xbox.

MS was strongly rumored to be inquiring about Square, how true it is I don\'t know, but MS has snatched Bungie and Halo which was supposed to come to the PS2, and Oddworld and Munch\'s Odyssee which also was coming to the PS2, two possible Killer Apps snatched away from PS2 fans cause of MS. Now its just business, sure but I don\'t want to hear for a 1/4 of a second Sony is the bad guy they haven\'t done nothing to squash anyother consoles success, Sony has only concentrated on making the PS2 successful

Now for you info Mr. X Sony is right on target for 100,000 PS2\'s a week since thier 500,000 launch. The numbers have been in and Sony is hitting there targets as promised so your ???? about where are they well there\'s your answer.

And yes Sony is a huge corporation, but let me let you in on a secret, They are no MS, and haven\'t done a thing to put themselves in the same category. 3rd parties come to Sony, SOny doesn\'t buy 3rd parties. Will see how MS plays the game.

Is Sony a white knight, I never said they were, but MS will always have the watchful eye upon them and deservingly so.

I have an Xbox on pre-order, I may or may not excersice my pre-order. It really comes down to how MS plays the game and the fact that I would like to see Sony succesful before MS, its My personal opinion and it goes beyond graphic capabilities for me.

MS has a big hill to climb how they decide to climb it will determine there fate, but the bottom line the MS name does not and will not sit well with a solid portion of the masses

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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2000, 08:56:24 PM »
hey, dont u think its kinda obvious dat a guy wit da name reverendxbox is gonna say dis ****. its bull. oh, sony is blackmailing. hey, maybe u shud change ur name so people dont get suspicious dammit.

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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #24 on: December 16, 2000, 09:52:18 PM »
I know, he should change his god damned name right ****ing now, damnit!
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Sony Blackmails Retailers: And You Thought Microsoft Was Bad???!
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2000, 03:49:34 PM »
you should write a novel DDaryl, cause that\'s some good ****
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