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Author Topic: Dreamcast ignored.....not from what I can tell.  (Read 2995 times)

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Dreamcast ignored.....not from what I can tell.
« on: December 24, 2000, 04:49:16 PM »
Again and again, industry analysts say that Dreamcast doesn\'t have a chance and will die.  They started saying that about this time last year.  When are people going to wake up and start realizing that DreamCast is here to stay!  So far (in North America and Europe), Dreamcast has exceeded everyone\'s expectations.  They said DC will die at it\'s launch....didn\'t happen.  They said that DC will die once when PS2 launched....didn\'t happen, in fact sales increased.  After a year, DC has sold upwards of 2.5 million consoles and after the holidays, will probably have an installed base of 5.0 million.  DC has given us games like Jet Grind Radio, Skies of Arcadia, Grandia II and Shenmue.  Right now, DC is the only console to have running online games and the promise of future stellar titles is certain.  All this without significant 3rd party support that Sony and Microsoft have.  I\'m not delusional and think DC will cream Sony, but I do think that Sega has once again secured a loyal fanbase.

As far as the PS2, I think it\'s in for some very stiff competion from Nintendo and Microsoft.  I don\'t know and am not going to predict which console will win.  My instinct tells me that all 4 companies will get a nice piece of the pie.

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Dreamcast ignored.....not from what I can tell.
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2000, 05:43:09 PM »
i have loved sega since i got my "master system" years ago.  sega WILL ALWAYS be number one in my book.  the DC isnt going anywhere.  especially now that the broadband adapter is coming out next month.  *drool*

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Dreamcast ignored.....not from what I can tell.
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2000, 08:34:34 PM »
mm, your a tad behind! They have released the Broadband adaptor in limited quantities beofre the end of the year at EB and Babbages etc. Good luck finding one though :) Best just to wait til January 2nd!

Seg has always been numbher one, ever since my NES broke down (I wonder if I was the only one :)) I got an SMS and creamed myslef in its superior graphics sound, speed, (and games IMO!) I mean Phantasy Star, Rastan, Lord of the Swrod, Miracle Warriors, etc!

DC is here to stay also! A system wont just die out immediately with 3 million owners + another 600k probs from Holiday shopping, DC is gonna be here for a long while. I Give it at least another 2 and a half years! Then, DC2 will be unveiled! And it will have Backwards comp with Saturn, DC, SegaCD, etc! :) I can only dream!

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Dreamcast ignored.....not from what I can tell.
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2000, 09:35:16 PM »
god forbid i actually go into the mall and find one of those.  it would also be nice for a game to support it in the US, maybe Q3 is the only one

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Dreamcast ignored.....not from what I can tell.
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2000, 02:18:48 PM »
I think it\'s become quite clear that Sega/Dreamcast isn\'t going anywhere. There are far too many good games being pumped out, and many more to come.

Damn, the broadband adapter was released? Ah well, I\'m not interested in playing Q3A anyhow. I\'ll wait for PSO and Daytona. :)

- dm

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Dreamcast ignored.....not from what I can tell.
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2000, 04:32:08 PM »
Yeah,where I lived(Halifax canada),DC was COMPLETLY sold out,along with Shenmue and Skies Of Arcadia.COMPLETLY.

Dc isn\'t going anywhere next year.I finally have one along with NFL2K,NBA2k,and THPS2(no mem card though :().These are honestly some of the best games I have ever played.I think I will continue to support Sega through out 2001.I still plan on buying Shenmue,Skies Of Arcadia,Half-Life,Crazi Taxi 2,Sonic Adventure 2,PSO,and MSR.Impressive huh?

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Dreamcast ignored.....not from what I can tell.
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2000, 07:45:13 PM »
Originally posted by datamage
I think it\'s become quite clear that Sega/Dreamcast isn\'t going anywhere. There are far too many good games being pumped out, and many more to come.

People even say that the Sega Dreamcast is not going anywhere.  Didn\'t happen!

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Dreamcast ignored.....not from what I can tell.
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2000, 07:47:23 PM »
Originally posted by datamage
I think it\'s become quite clear that Sega/Dreamcast isn\'t going anywhere. There are far too many good games being pumped out, and many more to come.

Damn, the broadband adapter was released? Ah well, I\'m not interested in playing Q3A anyhow. I\'ll wait for PSO and Daytona. :)

- dm

People say that the Sega Dreamcast is not going anywhere.  Didn\'t happen!

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Dreamcast ignored.....not from what I can tell.
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2000, 02:21:18 AM »
Dreamcast wasn\'t a success here in northern europe ( not so big marketing-era ), and I think it\'s a pity. I would have wanted to buy one, but as stupid as I was I thought DC was doing as bad everywhere. And all the sellers here said that "wait for PS2". Now I didn\'t try any .net shops, I didn\'t order one post-wise. But that was because no store here sells DC games :(

I don\'t know what went wrong here, but now PS2 is selling like hot pancakes and DC is cold as ice. Sad but true.

Sad for DC -part I mean.
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Dreamcast ignored.....not from what I can tell.
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2000, 04:57:40 AM »
Well I ignored my Dreamcast a bit due to the PS2 launch.
Now I will get more Dreamcast games again cause the real good PS2 games come out in Feb/Mar.


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