I\'m a big handheld fan.
I have a gbc w/ a Bung Doctor GB Xchanger and a couple of games, right now. (I\'m going to sell it for money for Gba soon)
But, I can\'t wait for the gba to come out. The power of a Super Nintendo (even more) in a handheld! I\'m thinking of playing Super Metroid Advanced, the new Zelda, Castlevania, Mario Kart, F-Zero, etc... all on a handheld (possibly with internet stuff, too). All of those SNES on a handheld (plus new games, of course).
Pretty much any other handheld is going to be crushed by it. There are already a few other companies coming out with ones, and its pretty safe to say that they\'ll become NUONs and Indreamas of the handheld market.