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Author Topic: Christmas 2001 : PS2/xbox side-by-side on the shelves....why buy xbox???  (Read 3154 times)

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By the time "xbux" will be released, ps2 will have several ENORMOUS advantages. The first being an entire year\'s head start for establishing a user-base, and Sony claims that 11 MILLION PS2s will be shipped by March. If you have a PS2, or will, then I can\'t think of one reason to get the box. NOW, next Christmas will be a very important season...and PS2 will have an entire years worth of great games on the shelves...2 of which will be MGS2 & FF10. Some games will be $20 by then...SSX Greatest Hits???? Oh yeah. Not to mention backwards compatibility seems to make more of a difference with the "non-hardcore" crowd. Mass market sales is what makes or breaks a system....
People, of course, will argue that Xbox will have the DD/modem....but, really, do you think Sony won\'t be packing-in by then? Or, if a broke company like Sega can afford to offer a full DC rebate for ISP, surely the corporate juggernaut that is Sony will offer a free HDD/Modem for service......
Playstation name recognition will play a huge battle in this war......more so, I predict, than the Microsoft name, unless you are a PC snob, in which case just play a PC.

Offline ddaryl
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Christmas 2001 : PS2/xbox side-by-side on the shelves....why buy xbox???
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2001, 05:48:36 PM »
One would buy an Xbox to play all those Xbox exclusive games, and there is quite a few. Halo and Munch\'s Odyssee come to mind and there are lots more.

So it would be to play the games you cannot get on the PS2, and not to mention the graphics will be sweeter on Xbox

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Christmas 2001 : PS2/xbox side-by-side on the shelves....why buy xbox???
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2001, 06:28:37 PM »
Christmas 2001 will be a great year for the console wars. All 4 major consoles will be out. GameCube, PS2, DC and XBox. Lets see who will win that christmas. PS2 will finally have some AAA titles here in the US. GameCube will have the 1st and Second Party games that will sell. DC will be in there 3gen. Xbox will have there exclusives. It will be a great time for gaming. Who will win Christmas 2001?

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Christmas 2001 : PS2/xbox side-by-side on the shelves....why buy xbox???
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2001, 07:29:50 PM »
I\'d just like to mention that Nintendo and its 2nd parties are making 6 games for the JAPANESE launch.  There are about 4 or so 3rd party games that will be released at launch also.  Expect there to be at least 10-15 launch titles for the American launch.
It seems as if the people [casual gamers] that we consider to know absolutely nothing are the ones that actually know the most important thing: Name brands don\'t make the console, games do.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Christmas 2001 : PS2/xbox side-by-side on the shelves....why buy xbox???
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2001, 08:29:33 PM »
For me the simple reason is, because I *must* have it.
I would hate to miss out on any exclusive games that kick ass and such. So, I eliminate this problem by buying each system ASAP.

I see myself selling all non-videogame related materials this year, to afford all 3 consoles (Indreama, GC, XBOX).

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Christmas 2001 : PS2/xbox side-by-side on the shelves....why buy xbox???
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2001, 09:56:03 PM »
I have my reasons to think about getting X-box ( if money falls from the sky that is ). I\'d so like to get Munch\'s Oddysee that I think it\'ll be a game worthy alone buying the console.

I agree with ddaryl; I bought PS2 because some PS2-exclusives I definetely wanted to play ( MGS2, Bouncer, GT3 etc. ), but PS2 isn\'t enough. I want more. MORE!!!

And that\'s how it has always been. Greedy being I am.
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Christmas 2001 : PS2/xbox side-by-side on the shelves....why buy xbox???
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2001, 09:59:27 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
For me the simple reason is, because I *must* have it.
I would hate to miss out on any exclusive games that kick ass and such. So, I eliminate this problem by buying each system ASAP.

I see myself selling all non-videogame related materials this year, to afford all 3 consoles (Indreama, GC, XBOX).

What games are coming out for Indreama? I am only asking because if it has anything worth buying I WILL OWN IT!!!!!!

As for your question, "Why buy xbox?"

Because I don\'t already have one.
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

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Christmas 2001 : PS2/xbox side-by-side on the shelves....why buy xbox???
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2001, 04:33:45 AM »
PS2 has come out for over a year now. When the X Box comes out it\'ll be about 1.5 year. OK, I wanna see X Box in 1.5 year time whether it can do more than the PS2 did at their 1.5 year time. If X Box couldn\'t compete, I\'m gonna laugh till I cry, why? Cuz look at the effort M$ put in X Box, High Specs with equal or lower price to PS2 and half a billion dollars campaign. What can you ask for more?

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Christmas 2001 : PS2/xbox side-by-side on the shelves....why buy xbox???
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2001, 03:50:21 PM »
To say the truth I don\'t like American systems and I don\'t trust their poor electronics.I probably WON\'t buy an xbox.
I\'ll get a GC instead.
Bring it on woman!

Big Poppa Spam of The Spaminators

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Christmas 2001 : PS2/xbox side-by-side on the shelves....why buy xbox???
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2001, 10:01:49 PM »
hmm, why did anyone of you buy a PS2 this Christmas? After all the DC hs a larger userbase, more games, cheaper price, etc.

You bought it because you believe things to come will be better than what will be to come for DC. That will be the same scenario when PS2 is cheaper. If I dont have one yet (highly doubt it) I will be stroking my chin, saying, well MGS2 looks good, than saying MGSX looks better. Its all power baby.

Eric Jacob
A funny gesture.

Offline BizioEE

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Christmas 2001 : PS2/xbox side-by-side on the shelves....why buy xbox???
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2001, 02:25:49 AM »
Well...it\'s not entirely correct!...a little superficial AlteredBeast...

People buy PS2 for different reasons...
...for example...1) Backward-compatibility with PSX games...70/80 millions PSX sold worldwide! + 2) Watching DVD-Movies + 3) Games like SSX,Madden 2001,Fifa 2001,TTT,DOA2,Moto GP,RayMan Revolution and...yes...I perfectly know that just now DC\'s library is stronger than PS2\'s but there can be people who can\'t buy more than one console so they have to chose one which they believe has more potential and,above all,there are millions of people who aren\'t true videogames-lovers so this kind of people look at a console like a homely-entertainment-system more than a videogames-machine Only!
If you\'re a "True Videogames Lover",it\'s obvious that you can chose indifferently among Nintendo,Sony,Sega and Microsoft...it depends on your own style...but if you\'re looking at something different,I mean a Homely-entertainment-system,you have to consider Sony and Indrema(potentially) at the First Place,Microsoft in second place,Game Cube and DC in the last place...(FACT!!)

By Christmas 2001,PS2 will offer Wonderful Games + DVD Movies + Hard-Disk and Modem so...tell me what other experiences X-Box will be able to offer more than PS2(even in the following years)?

He has the power of both worlds
Girl: What power… beyond my expectations?
Demon: No… the legendary Sparda!?
Dante: You\'re right, but I\'m his son Dante!


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