Originally posted by CYprEsS
I just saw it and thought it was worht the money to see it.
It doesn\'t have alot of violence but in the scenes that it has the violence it is very grizzly indeed.
I loved sitting in the dark movie theater and listening to the audience cringe at what was on screen. My thoughts was that it was a really good film.
Don\'t compare it to the book, that gets rather silly in todays world where we all know the book will always be a cut above the film.
I agree most the time on the "don\'t compare it to the book" note. But, in this case, I think the movie is better. Did you read the book? If so, you know that some of the book is pretty far-fetched. It is really a trade off. The book had some
really stupid things in it. Which was taken out of the movie. But the book also had a few more characters that was really interesting. Which was also taking out of the movie.
Overall, in this case, I think the movie was better. Thomas Harris went over-board with the book
Either way, if you read the book or not, you should go see the movie. It isn\'t a classic by any means, but it is still a good flick.