ok i just went onto the msxbox forums as a guest for the first time and, holy crap those guys are so ****ing stupid its NOT funny!!! they have such topics as "xbox to get upgrade to 1 giga hertz" "playstation 2 not even a competitor" they really ripped on GTA3 saying that those graphics looked like crap while the game isnt even due out till september!!!!!
we should get atleast 10 guys to go over there and try to state a few points that will place doubt in their flaming.
one guy didnt even know what contender meant...
So what does he know about a console?
this latest trip to their forums was amazing. they are so bias, it........ it..... isnt funny...... im gonna go and pray for them....
(plz feel free to state other things about bias you have found in a forum, any forum)