Look at the hardware beziers in the first picture. No jaggies or anything! Since PS2 can do 16 million polys with beziers, this game has to be pushing around 16 million polys (a rough estimate). The third picture really shows those 16 million polys in action. DROOL!!! :eek: To all those Sega zealots that say that PS2 isn\'t better than the DC in graphics, take a gander at these apples!! Since the PS2 is always the first to break new ground, this game will be the first and only Quake III game that doesn\'t support online play! Only PC geeks play games online anyways. We\'re console gamers and we want to play with our friend or friends (if you have a multitap, that is). It looks like Oddworld were the only freaks having problems with the PS2 because this game is freaking amazing! This game should be ready for the PS2 "relaunch". Sony has one more "killer app" in it\'s arsenal from the money mongers at iD Software.
Also, since PS2 doesn\'t have PC and Dreamcast ports (only original titles), Quake III is a PS2 exclusive for one year, then it will be ported to the PC and Dreamcast respectively. This title will join Rayman 2, MDK, Ready 2 Rumble 2, and Unreal Tournament as PS2 exclusives.