Originally posted by Chrono
I will say only one thing
When they release the actuall price, and its 400 dollars, you will NOT hear then end of me...
Nvida stuff is not cheap
IF the x-box did not include a hardrive or modem, then I would have no problem thinking it would be 300, however it does, and it will. I obviously have nothing to back it up other then inference, but when the offical comment is released, then I will accept it...
When you close a topic, don\'t add something to the fire at the end, that article was full of ****, you have to admit it..
Chrono I said state your case. Your argument is really weak. NVidia received R+D money from MS in advance you can bet MS will get NVidia chips at cost. Nvidia does this so they can keep there line running. Everyone knows the longer a product is in production the cheaper the product becomes. This benefits NVidia as much as MS. Not to mention MS has ordered MILLIONS of Nvidia GPU\'s which also insures the price is dirt cheap. Anytime you order bulk and give R+D money in advance to someone you know damn well you\'ll get that product at close to cost, and considering SOny has R+D there own chips and invested more money into its own production plants the PS2\'s GS probably isn\'t much cheaper to manufacture than NVidia\'s XBox GPU
2nd , 8GB Harddrives are dirt cheap when you order a few million of them as well, and Ethernet adapters are only $19 at your local store, there probably $2- $5 a piece when you order a few million.
3rd. Intel Pentium III are extremly chepa and gettign cheaper. The PIII probably cost 1/3 of what the EE costs, and MS doesn\'t have to recoup the cost of building 2 production plants to build them.
Overall It wouldn\'t cost MS much more than $400 to produce the Xbox maybe even $500, but MS can afford to not make a profit for the next few years on Xbox, the goal and the only goal of MS is to make the machine attractive to gamers, and make your money of periphials, online subcriptions, and Games.....
What you did on the main forum Chrono was unlike you. Its your own diehard hatred of MS and XBox zealots thats clouding your judgement.
MS will not sell Xbox at $400, you know, I know, every persos who\'s ever bought a game console knows it will fail miserably if its close to 2x\'s expensive as recognizable brands. Do you HONESTLY believe that Xbox will be priced to fail, or is that what you want to happen.
The gaming industry is big enough for 3 major players now, 4 would\'ve been crowded but 3 can play, and it will only make the industry better in the long run.