I dont know what the camera is like in moto Gp, but the camera is like where they show the car comming down a section of the track(all differnt angles),then it switches to a different part of the track,with a different camera angle.
I dont know if you have seen an movies of the game,but i think the best camera angle is where it is quite close to the car side,and it zoomes in and out on the car,it looks really cool.
I hope this helps,if you are worried about the replays dont be,they are really good.
One more thing in my second post i said that i hope,that the make the handling better,i am glad to say that i have played it lots and lots more,and i love the handling now.
When you get the demo play it,then put the original game on,it looks so funny,but it is alot faster then GT3.