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nintendo = dropping the ball?

intendo always does the right thing
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hey have dropped the ball
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 hate nintendo anyways
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 really dont care
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Total Members Voted: 41

Author Topic: nintendo ditches conkers bad fur day!  (Read 4056 times)

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Conker #2
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2001, 06:15:23 PM »
"Rare was stupid. I completely agree with mm. Nintendo lost ALL the respect I had in it. And N64 stays "kiddish" ( the ppl won\'t forget the tag for one game, if they even care about N64 anymore )."

 I don\'t think Nintendo ever tried to change the N64. Why should they? On its final legs with few games coming out for it, why [and how] try to change it to fit a different demographic? That would be impossible.  

"This game is just SO made. Made just to show all those whom accuse N64 is console for kids. Everything is thrown too far, and the rope doesn\'t catch the tree it was meant to. I watched the trailer, for pure interest. Ok, a hot chick. So what? Does it convince me to spend a helluva pile of cash to a game? No."

This game was made to make a statement—just not the one you’re thinking of. I don’t think any one game could change it.

"Then I see some shots of the game. All I see is violence far too over the lines. Violence wich is too shown. Violence wich is just shown because Nintendo wants to show it ain\'t a company for kids."

"Conker\'s Bad Fur Day is shockingly fun and will undoubtedly change the way video games are made forever...  While the subject matter of the game is certainly not meant for younger audiences, the majority of the jokes are really what most mature adults would deem immature toilet humor. Previous Rare games have been laced with similar humor in the past, but Conker\'s BFD takes everything over the top."  -Gamespot

There is a ton of violence in the game… its just what its about.
"And all this for nothing. Boy how nintendo can be stupid... Rare should\'ve left the project of BFD long time ago, when they still could..."

 Now Nintendo is stupid? Maybe you aren’t grasping what their real intentions were for this game.

"Just because only an adult might undertand it does not make it mature at all, Conkers isn\'t comedic in anyway its actually very immature from what i\'ve seen."

It really isn’t very mature at all, but it is inappropriate for children (thus the Mature rating). And actually, from the reviews on the game, they seem to enjoy it and think its a real funny game.

"I thought what I saw of Conker\'s BFD was crude, base, gratuitously violent, and knee-slappingly hysterical. Anyone 18 to 30 with a penchant for vulgarity and pop culture references will likely find it to be the same. With this said, there is no doubt in my mind that this is a game that is totally inappropriate for kids."  -Gamespot

Funny, yes. But mature? Not really—I don’t even think the game was meant to be mature—just targeted at the slightly older audiences.

 "I\'ve watched a good amount of Shane Satterfield playing through Conker here in the office, and on several occasions I couldn\'t hold in my laughter. The subject matter was so off-color; I was constantly questioning whether I had actually seen what was going on in the game. "They couldn\'t put that in a video game!" I\'d say, just to be proven wrong, time and time again." -Gamespot

"The blood looks like gobs of something and not actual blood...it looks like it comes out in blocks so that don\'t make it much more hardcore/mature of a game IMO."

 Oh, it requires real-looking blood to be considered a mature game? Conker is cartoony...  

"I\'m not here to argue but your sense of humour seems to differ with the general majority."
 Certain people who have reviewed the game... they think the game is really hilarious. Its obviously not for everyone, and everyone won\'t think its funny.

"Movie spoofs, sexual jokes, ciggs, pissing on things is NOT mature. Its 5th grade humor. No, Nintendo did not make this game. But lets face it, they had been very controlling on mature games, but this one slipped by? It couldn\'t be an effort to say "We\'re mature, damnit!" now could it?"

No... I don\'t think so--rather, I think it was more of a, "[While we [Nintendo] won\'t release a game like this], we won\'t be censoring, etc... and will be allowing these types of games to hit the market." Type of thing.
"Conker\'s Bad Fur Day may be the most important game ever released on a Nintendo system...While Conker\'s BFD likely won\'t change perceptions of Nintendo all that much, it\'s a positive step forward where Nintendo\'s relationships with third-party developers are concerned."  --Gamespot

"From what I can tell, it appears to be a game developed solely to send the following message out to the world: Nintendo and Rare are not all about kiddie games."

“Third-party publishers now know that if they make a game with suggestive themes, that game may now appear on Nintendo consoles."  --Gamespot

"While an excellent game it may be. It could of been just as excellent without the stupid moronic humor. But then no one would of cared, would they? It would of been just another typical release from Rare."

 Another typical relase from Rare? By that, you mean a critically acclaimed one? Of course no one would have cared (besides it being a great game)... It wouldn\'t have made a point--they are trying to make a point with the game.

"Conker\'s Bad Fur Day may be the most important game ever released on a Nintendo system...While Conker\'s BFD likely won\'t change perceptions of Nintendo all that much, it\'s a positive step forward where Nintendo\'s relationships with third-party developers are concerned."  --Gamespot

Is it mature? Not really.... Is that what they were trying to do? Maybe not...

.... Dang, I was bored.

Gamespot quotes = http://www.zdnet.com/gamespot/stories/features/0,12059,2691715,00.html

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nintendo ditches conkers bad fur day!
« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2001, 07:01:11 PM »
Toothpick you seem to be horribly confused with the way I was using the term "mature"

The thing I said about the humour and blood did not have to do with the rating what so ever, I meant it as its just not mature as in its immature.

Just because the ESRB uses the word MATURE as its rating for the most innapropriate games for minors does not mean that is actually a MATURE game.

And I know the blood is supposed to be cartoony but it doesn\'t have to look like a square when it came out and I only said it didn\'t make the game any more mature because someone said it did.

yeesh...too many Mature words.
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nintendo ditches conkers bad fur day!
« Reply #32 on: March 06, 2001, 07:28:23 PM »
Yes... I don\'t see CBFD as really mature game, rather a game innapropriate for children that is best understood and targeted at a more mature audience.

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nintendo ditches conkers bad fur day!
« Reply #33 on: March 06, 2001, 08:18:37 PM »
Boy how nintendo can be stupid... Rare should\'ve left the project of BFD long time ago, when they still could...

Nintendo didn\'t want Conker BFD, Rare did. It\'s all their idea, they\'re even doing the publishing themselves. The rumor is, Rare pitched the idea to Nintendo execs as a joke, but after seeing it, they told them to do whatever they wanted to do. Of course, that\'s just a rumor, so no one knows how it actually got started. My guess is that they all got drunk while watching too much Monty Python and Benny Hill.
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nintendo ditches conkers bad fur day!
« Reply #34 on: March 07, 2001, 02:50:15 AM »
Typical Rare game = Cute cuddling animals searching for something in a stupid land.

Rare = Over-rated.

Donkey Kong (SuperNES versions)= Wasn\'t the best games. But instead, they used great graphics to get attenion. And after the first, they was hardly even worth paying attenion to.

Donkey Kong 64 = Crap.

Banjo Kazooie = Decent.

Banjo Tooie = Pooie.

Perfect Dark =  Highly over-rated. I bought it, and was not impressed. While parts was cool, it should of been saved for the GC, when it could of been done right. As it is, it was a good idea gone bad.

GoldenEye = One of the best--if not best N64 and Rare\'s brilliant moment.

Jet Force Genimi = Decent. Nothing great. A relative "flop" for Rare, even if it may of been their finer N64 moment.

Killer Instinct = Ohh! Memorize things! No thanks, I\'ll take Street Fighter....

Conkers  Bad Fur Day= Marketing idea. Take Rare platform game and throw mature subjects in to gain attenion.

BattleToads = Kick ass NES game!

But then again, this is all in my opinion. So before you go flaming me to hell, I included that note. Not everyone can agree on these things. I personally, don\'t like RARE. I don\'t see a reason for them to be such a big company and never have.

And Conkers changing video games forever? Mmm\'hmm. Yeah.  I\'m sure it won\'t . Leasure Suit Larry was also "mature" way before its time. It didn\'t exactly change games forever, yet it was a cool game (sorta).

Still, that is all my opinion.

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Conker\'s Bad Fur Day
« Reply #35 on: March 07, 2001, 03:48:17 PM »
"Typical Rare game = Cute cuddling animals searching for something in a stupid land."

 Typical Rare platformer for the N64...

"Rare = Over-rated."

 I think Rare is overrated, too. Why? Because they have done games that aren\'t too hot, yet many people think they\'re the best...

"Donkey Kong (SuperNES versions)= Wasn\'t the best games. But instead, they used great graphics to get attenion. And after the first, they was hardly even worth paying attenion to."

 This is largely your opinion. While yes, they did have awesome graphics, it wasn\'t all about graphics. The games were awesome (at least in my, and many others\' opintions) and the coop mode was great. Not to mention awesome music.

"Donkey Kong 64 = Crap."

 I agree... The conversion to 3D was terrible... collecting... collecting... wheres the fun? Wheres the groovy tunes?

"Banjo Kazooie = Decent.

Banjo Tooie = Pooie."

Many people consider the Banjo series one of the best of all time... However, that is their opinion.  

"Perfect Dark = Highly over-rated. I bought it, and was not impressed. While parts was cool, it should of been saved for the GC, when it could of been done right. As it is, it was a good idea gone bad."

 Nah... It was a good idea, and the game is awesome. While sure, I don\'t think it lived up to all its expectations and hype, it was an awesome game, with awesome graphics, and a brilliant multi-player mode.  I think its better than GE.

"GoldenEye = One of the best--if not best N64 and Rare\'s brilliant moment."

 I love this game... But how can you love GE and think that PD is unimpressive? Sure you\'ve played GE a lot, but in PD, almost everything is tweaked and it uses the same engine.

"Jet Force Genimi = Decent. Nothing great. A relative "flop" for Rare, even if it may of been their finer N64 moment."

 I rented this game and I think it was a good idea. It could have been an awesome game if done better. Too much collection... stupid little mugle like things... doh, I killed one! I have to start over!  

"Killer Instinct = Ohh! Memorize things! No thanks, I\'ll take Street Fighter...."

 I\'m not into fighters, anyways... There are many KI fans, though.  

"Conkers Bad Fur Day= Marketing idea. Take Rare platform game and throw mature subjects in to gain attenion."

 This is where I think you have it wrong. Its not just a typical Rare platformer with Mature ideas thrown in. Its new, different, etc... from their other ones.

"BattleToads = Kick ass NES game!"

 I agree... I hope they re-make this on the GBA, if nothing more for than nastaulgia (sp?).

"But then again, this is all in my opinion. So before you go flaming me to hell, I included that note. Not everyone can agree on these things. I personally, don\'t like RARE. I don\'t see a reason for them to be such a big company and never have."

 Rare is very talented and they\'ve made some sweet games for the systems they\'ve been on. I know all of those things were opinion (Heck, I disagreed with most of them)...  

"And Conkers changing video games forever? Mmm\'hmm. Yeah. I\'m sure it won\'t . Leasure Suit Larry was also "mature" way before its time. It didn\'t exactly change games forever, yet it was a cool game (sorta)."

 I\'ve never heard of that game, and maybe thats why it didn\'t. CBFD is a statement to the gamers and to the 3rd party developers. What the Gamespot guy was saying was that there was never a game like this out before. Sure you had your Dooms and other titles, but never at this high level with the stuff CBFD has on it.

"Still, that is all my opinion."


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nintendo ditches conkers bad fur day!
« Reply #36 on: March 08, 2001, 12:28:42 AM »
Yeah, its all opinion. I thought GoldenEye was great, while Perfect Dark was lacking. But, I think what really "hurt"Perfect Dark was all the hype around it. Like the face mapping feature and what not.

I bought the first Banjo and enjoyed it somewhat. Banjo tooie did NOTHING for me though.

But, we can at least agree on one thing. (well two--Battletoads!).

Its all based on opinion.

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nintendo ditches conkers bad fur day!
« Reply #37 on: March 08, 2001, 07:49:50 PM »
Why were we debating this again?

Oh yeah mm, brought up a weak point and it was destroyed.

Ok, so why is this topic still going on?
It seems as if the people [casual gamers] that we consider to know absolutely nothing are the ones that actually know the most important thing: Name brands don\'t make the console, games do.

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nintendo ditches conkers bad fur day!
« Reply #38 on: March 10, 2001, 01:19:35 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Yeah, its all opinion. I thought GoldenEye was great, while Perfect Dark was lacking. But, I think what really "hurt"Perfect Dark was all the hype around it. Like the face mapping feature and what not.

I bought the first Banjo and enjoyed it somewhat. Banjo tooie did NOTHING for me though.

But, we can at least agree on one thing. (well two--Battletoads!).

Its all based on opinion.

What the hell do you mean PD is lacking, I F**King own the game it and it rock...Maybe you have not go deep in PD game, like area 51 lvl or fight against perfect sim with farsight! I dare you to fight against me and see my true skill of being nintendo nerd :nerd:

Sorry i swear to you LIC, will you forgive me?

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nintendo ditches conkers bad fur day!
« Reply #39 on: March 10, 2001, 02:55:30 PM »
The only game that I have ever played that deserved a M rating was D2(It was actually rated "AO" Adults Only). The games that get M ratings rarely deserve them in my opinion.

BTW, Name some M rated games and tell me why you think they deseved the the ratings they recieved.
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]


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