here is little something about amount of texture memory and swapping..
Here\'s beginning and bit from end of John Carmack\'s plan from 3/7/00.
theres LOTs of very technical stuff in middle which I leave out becouse of space.
This is something I have been preaching for a couple years, but I finally got around to setting all the issues down in writing.
First, the statement:
Virtualized video card local memory is The Right Thing.
Now, the argument (and a whole bunch of tertiary information):
If you had all the texture density in the world, how much texture memory would be needed on each frame?
For directly viewed textures, mip mapping keeps the amount of referenced texels between one and one quarter of the drawn pixels. When anisotropic viewing angles and upper level clamping are taken into account, the number gets smaller. Take 1/3 as a conservative estimate.
Given a fairly aggressive six texture passes over the entire screen, that equates to needing twice as many texels as pixels. At 1024x768 resolution, well under two million texels will be referenced, no matter what the finest level of detail is. This is the worst case, assuming completely unique texturing with no repeating. More commonly, less than one million texels are actually needed.
--- HUGE SNIP ---
Aside from all the basic swapping issue, there are a couple of other hardware trends that push things this way.
Embedded dram should be a driving force. It is possible to put several megs of extremely high bandwidth dram on a chip or die with a video controller, but won’t be possible (for a while) to cram a 64 meg geforce in. With virtualized texturing, the major pressure on memory is drastically reduced. Even an 8mb card would be sufficient for 16 bit 1024x768 or 32 bit 800x600 gaming, no matter what the texture load.
--- snip ---
Missing mid part contained lots of stuff about ways to deal with limitations of normal Video memory limitations and management.
oh and i consider most of that image to be possible with ps2, tough not sure about bumpmapping/or texture filtering.