Excellent choice Solid Snake 88. I\'ve had Timesplitters since the launch and me and my friends still play it quite often. It\'s one of the best multi-player games I\'ve ever played. And speaking of friends, I\'m lucky enough to have several that live within about a 15-20 minute drive from me, and many of my off nights are spent with them gaming. Sometimes we play TTT or TS and blow the hell out of each other, while at other times we just sit back and watch someone play DW2, Summoner, or one of the other games I have. As irritating as it can be, it can still be fun to have several of your friends watching you play and giving you \'helpful\' tips to keep you going...("Boy, that was stupid. What the hell did you open that door for? And why can\'t you pull off that combo like you said you could?")