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Author Topic: Game Boy Advance "killer"--killed?  (Read 1449 times)

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Game Boy Advance "killer"--killed?
« on: March 07, 2001, 03:56:03 AM »
I remember two or three threads about the supposed "Red Jade"--deemed a GameBoy Advance killer. Well, it has been killed.



Red Jade = Dead Jade

                  Reports suggest that the potential GBA
                  killer has been killed itself.

                  March 2, 2001

                  You may recall the story we ran a few weeks
                  back about the Red Jade system – an
                  upcoming handheld gaming system from Red
                  Jade and Ericcson. We\'ve received word
                  from several sources that the company folded
                  shop immediately after our report – it was
                  coincidental, but the timing is certainly eerie.

                  We were informed by sources that due to heavy losses at Ericsson, the
                  cellular phone company has decided to pull out of Red Jade completely –
                  which has ultimately been the cause of Red Jade\'s breakup. Ericsson
                  wasn\'t just an investor in Red Jade – the company was to manufacture,
                  market, and distribute the system as well.

                  The system had serious potential, as we had heard from sources that the
                  R&D team was able to port titles such as Quake III Arena to the
                  handheld (complete with wireless link) with exceptional performance,
                  thanks to the chipset (rumored to be supplied by Nvidia).

                  Looks like Game Boy Advance will still be the only game in town when it
                  ships in the US this June. Anyone else ready to step up to the plate?

                  -- Craig Harris

It looks like Nintendo will have the portable market to themself. Though, I doubt even if "Red Jade" came out it would of stood a chance against Nintendo\'s GBA.

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Game Boy Advance "killer"--killed?
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2001, 03:51:34 PM »
Gameboy Advance killer? Thats a good one...

  I don\'t think anything will stop the GBA from selling a ton and winning the market by a huge margin. Heck, its like the Psx or the NES of the handheld realm except there isn\'t even anything close to a N64, Master System, Saturn, etc...

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Game Boy Advance "killer"--killed?
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2001, 07:46:30 PM »
Nintedo has such a hold on the market that it would take something truly amazing and highly looked upon company to give them any competition

the bottom line is Red Jade did not have that

Nintendo has beaten out people that have made more powerful handhelds before - and this would be no exception

hell i think that game gear was a much more powerful handheld than gameboy - but it couldn\'t compete with Nintendos big name

oh well let nintendo have the handheld market  - they have dome great things with it so far - and will keep on doing great things
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Game Boy Advance "killer"--killed?
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2001, 08:54:49 PM »
"hell i think that game gear was a much more powerful handheld than gameboy"

The Game Gear WAS a much more powerful system than the Gameboy. It was color, 8bits (With a better color pallet than the Master System), and had a back lit screen. As far as sheer power goes, the GameGear beat the GB like a redheaded stepchild. It even had a tuner so you could watch TV on it.

The Gameboy won because it had more games and was a bit easier on the batteries. Point blank.. that\'s it.  As I\'ve said before, power in no way determines a console\'s fate. It\'s all about the quantity of games.. weither good or bad, that makes or breaks a console/handheld.

"oh well let nintendo have the handheld market - they have dome great things with it so far - and will keep on doing great things."

No, they haven\'t done great things with the market. Had the GG and Nomad been huge success, the competition would have driven the market to even greater heights than what we\'re seeing now. It\'s what we call a Monopoly ladies and gentlemen... 10 years with the same outdated piece of circuitry.. and it sucks. We should be having 32 bit handhelds powered by Lithium Ion batteries like laptops and accompanied by a whole host of perhiperhals and accessories. What do we get though? Another outdated piece of circuitry that we\'ll probably have to live with for another 10 years that\'s only marginally better than what was available five years ago.

I\'ve got no problems with Nintnedo making a fortune in the handheld market, but I will not support a monopoly. Despite "How good we have it now", we\'ll never know how much better we could have it if there was only a little more competition.

No GBA for me thanks.. I\'d rather put my money to a company that will spurn progress through competition than let my dollar contribute to the stagnation that\'s become the handheld market.
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Game Boy Advance "killer"--killed?
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2001, 12:17:48 AM »
Originally posted by SonyFan

I\'ve got no problems with Nintnedo making a fortune in the handheld market, but I will not support a monopoly. Despite "How good we have it now", we\'ll never know how much better we could have it if there was only a little more competition.

No GBA for me thanks.. I\'d rather put my money to a company that will spurn progress through competition than let my dollar contribute to the stagnation that\'s become the handheld market. [/B]

well, it seems you\'re over reacting a bit but who am I to judge?  

I personally think that Nintnendo did a wonderful job with the Gameboy.  I still think it\'s fun.  I was just playing Kirby\'s Dreamland and Donkey Kong the other day.  

The GBA has a wonderfully diverse range of developers and I see a whole variety of games for anyone who picks up a GBA.  

Well, I hope you show Nintendo you mean business when you shake that little stick at them...

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Game Boy Advance "killer"--killed?
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2001, 12:22:37 AM »
There you go, US vs Nintendo, for an unfair monoply on the handheld industry.

(Its a joke, before anyone educates me on how the US cannot take Nintendo to court, due to Nintendo being a Japanese based company).

Though it is partly true. People ***** at MS for entering the game industry, saying they are trying to establish a monpoly on the industry, yet Nintendo really does have a monoply on the handheld.

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Game Boy Advance "killer"--killed?
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2001, 09:34:12 AM »
"No GBA for me thanks.. I\'d rather put my money to a company that will spurn progress through competition than let my dollar contribute to the stagnation that\'s become the handheld market."

 Don\'t take this personal, but I think thats a very stupid reason for not getting a GBA. So Nintendo has a monopoly on the handheld market? Big deal--is that going to stop you from enjoying some of the best old-style gaming out there today? Because of that, you are going to miss out on a ton of awesome games, and its not all old technology--Heck, it can connect to the internet for internet play (the DC just got that).
 Besides, no handheld will come out with new technology--it would not only cost too much, but it would probably be too heavy and the battery power would suck.

 Just my opinions--I just can\'t wait for my GBA.

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Game Boy Advance "killer"--killed?
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2001, 02:35:58 PM »
"So Nintendo has a monopoly on the handheld market? Big deal--is that going to stop you from enjoying some of the best old-style gaming out there today?"

No, not at all. Jelco, I believe, is releasing it\'s own version of the GameGear that\'s fully compatable with all the old games and there\'s still a few Sega Nomads out there floating around that I\'d love to get my hands on. There were a lot of great games I missed out on in the 16 bit era since I didn\'t have the cash to buy them. Now, I\'ve got a second chance to play them. Batteries are my only concern, but there are other solutions to that problem.. like rechargable battery packs and adaptors and stuff like that.

Now don\'t get me wrong and think that I\'m saying the Gameboy didn\'t have some good games, or that GBA won\'t have good games. But look how long it took Nintnedo to upgrade their system... 8-9 years. Then it took another 3 just to come out with a product that by all rights should have been out 5 years ago. Christ, Sony\'s PS1 is only a breath away from being a handheld and Nintnedo expects us to believe that the GBA is the best we should hope for. Sorry, but I want more.

 Yeah, I might only be one person, but I have to stand up for what I believe in. You need competition to drive the market to newer and greater heights.. that\'s just the way it is. Without it Nintnedo can do whatever the hell they want, at your expence, because there\'s noone to stand up to them and offer a better product with a lower price and a host of kick ass games. It\'s either their way or the highway because they are all that\'s out there.
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Offline Kane
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Game Boy Advance "killer"--killed?
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2001, 03:58:41 PM »
No, not at all. Jelco, I believe, is releasing it\'s own version of the GameGear that\'s fully compatable with all the old games and there\'s still a few Sega Nomads out there floating around that I\'d love to get my hands on.

So your boycotting the GBA because it\'s not as powerful as you think it should be, but instead you\'re buying the Game Gear, which is a less powerful machine?

If someone really could make a handheld machine that is cheap enough for mass market and easy on the batteries, I think they would have done it already. It\'s not as if the Gameboy is the only handheld system out there, there\'s also the Wonderswan and the NGPC. And are they 32-bit with Lithium Ion batteries? No, they\'re actually much less powerful than the GBA is. Red Jade was supposed to graphically equivilent to the N64, but who knows if that was true or not.
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Game Boy Advance "killer"--killed?
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2001, 05:39:18 PM »
"So your boycotting the GBA because it\'s not as powerful as you think it should be, but instead you\'re buying the Game Gear, which is a less powerful machine?" - Kane

Kane, you missed the WHOLE idea behind what I was talking about. I\'m against Nintnedo\'s monopoly in the handheld market. Personally, I wouldn\'t care if the GBA was all I ever wanted/expected it to be or not.. I\'m still wouldn\'t buy it simply for the fact that I don\'t want my dollar furthering an unhealthy total market dominance. A less powerful machine (than what it should be) and 8-10 years between updates are just a few examples that are greatly helping to prove my point.

"It\'s not as if the Gameboy is the only handheld system out there, there\'s also the Wonderswan and the NGPC." - Kane

First of all, neither of those systems have been out for anywhere NEAR as long as the GB has. Secondly, neither of those two handhelds, seperately or combined, represent 20% of the total handheld market. The WS isn\'t even available outside of Japan, so it\'s kind of hard to even consider it a competetor against a handheld being sold the world over.

Just think of it this way. What if Sony wins this generation of hardware by a landslide margin, knocking both Sega and Nintnedo into 3rd party game development status and relegating the Xbox to nothing more than a niche market no bigger than what the Jaguar had. Now that Sony has over 80 percent of the console market under it\'s control, and all the competetors are virtually eliminated.. They decide they don\'t want to release the PS3 until 2011. Sure they make half-assed updates and handful of next to useless peripherals to tide their public over, but no more next generation leaps for another 10 years. How would you feel to know that the ONLY choice you have in console gaming is Sony.

It\'s kind of hard to think of it that way.. and if it happened I can guantee that gamers the world over would be up in arms about it, cramming every available message forum and e-mail box with anti-Sony hate messages. Yet.. it\'s ok for Nintnedo to do the exact same thing? Noone\'s upset? Noone fears that the future of the market is going to suffer far more than it will gain?

Have you ever noticed that at times the buisness world seems to parellel the natural world. Eveloution and Natural Selection occur in both worlds. The form may be different, but the effects and the reprecussions are the basically the same. Just as the cheetah increases muscle fibers to make it faster than it\'s prey, Intel increases transistors in the P4 to get the jump on AMD. And I sincerely believe that just as we should preserve the delicate balance of nature, we should also preserve some sort of balance in the economy. That includes abolishing Monopolys. Having a huge presence is one thing, but having total control is a whole different story.

BTW: Just so people don\'t try to label me a hipocryte.. I have never voluntarilly bought a Microsoft operating system. I used the copy of Win98 that came with my PC because I\'m wasn\'t the only one in the house using the computer. Now that it\'s basically all to myself, I plan on puttin Linux on my larger harddrive as the main operating system (with Win98 on the secondary HD as a backup for incompatable games/software) shortly after learning the ins and outs of it on my old 486.
Please Bleed.. so I know that you are real.
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What have I become? To myself I am numb. ~ Ben Harper
Plane Crash <-- moe. (Listen to while staring at Heat\'s Avvy.)
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