"So your boycotting the GBA because it\'s not as powerful as you think it should be, but instead you\'re buying the Game Gear, which is a less powerful machine?" - Kane
Kane, you missed the WHOLE idea behind what I was talking about. I\'m against Nintnedo\'s monopoly in the handheld market. Personally, I wouldn\'t care if the GBA was all I ever wanted/expected it to be or not.. I\'m still wouldn\'t buy it simply for the fact that I don\'t want my dollar furthering an unhealthy total market dominance. A less powerful machine (than what it should be) and 8-10 years between updates are just a few examples that are greatly helping to prove my point.
"It\'s not as if the Gameboy is the only handheld system out there, there\'s also the Wonderswan and the NGPC." - Kane
First of all, neither of those systems have been out for anywhere NEAR as long as the GB has. Secondly, neither of those two handhelds, seperately or combined, represent 20% of the total handheld market. The WS isn\'t even available outside of Japan, so it\'s kind of hard to even consider it a competetor against a handheld being sold the world over.
Just think of it this way. What if Sony wins this generation of hardware by a landslide margin, knocking both Sega and Nintnedo into 3rd party game development status and relegating the Xbox to nothing more than a niche market no bigger than what the Jaguar had. Now that Sony has over 80 percent of the console market under it\'s control, and all the competetors are virtually eliminated.. They decide they don\'t want to release the PS3 until 2011. Sure they make half-assed updates and handful of next to useless peripherals to tide their public over, but no more next generation leaps for another 10 years. How would you feel to know that the ONLY choice you have in console gaming is Sony.
It\'s kind of hard to think of it that way.. and if it happened I can guantee that gamers the world over would be up in arms about it, cramming every available message forum and e-mail box with anti-Sony hate messages. Yet.. it\'s ok for Nintnedo to do the exact same thing? Noone\'s upset? Noone fears that the future of the market is going to suffer far more than it will gain?
Have you ever noticed that at times the buisness world seems to parellel the natural world. Eveloution and Natural Selection occur in both worlds. The form may be different, but the effects and the reprecussions are the basically the same. Just as the cheetah increases muscle fibers to make it faster than it\'s prey, Intel increases transistors in the P4 to get the jump on AMD. And I sincerely believe that just as we should preserve the delicate balance of nature, we should also preserve some sort of balance in the economy. That includes abolishing Monopolys. Having a huge presence is one thing, but having total control is a whole different story.
BTW: Just so people don\'t try to label me a hipocryte.. I have never voluntarilly bought a Microsoft operating system. I used the copy of Win98 that came with my PC because I\'m wasn\'t the only one in the house using the computer. Now that it\'s basically all to myself, I plan on puttin Linux on my larger harddrive as the main operating system (with Win98 on the secondary HD as a backup for incompatable games/software) shortly after learning the ins and outs of it on my old 486.