Will there be sharing or will there be one system to dominate the market. I would say Playstation ruled last generation wouldn\'t u? Who is going to win the console wars by the end of 2003? This has been a long war between Atari, Sega, Nintendo and a few of the less mainstream, more expensive game consoles along for the ride. Atari lost long ago, with Nintendo and Sega ruling together for years, now Sony steps in and a new game is a foot. Sega is yesterdays atari sad to say, but who is the new Sony coming this way? ( had to do the rhyme

Will the Xbox be the king? I saw Microsoft from Miles away, with Age of Empires, now The Zone, and now a console. Microsoft saw a missing arena in there Empire. Now they are coming to take it all over. How to do you reign the gaming world though?
I saw Playstation do it with many game titles and working more to the adult gamers and it worked big time. My generation(26) loves the video games, and still play them into to adulthood. What do the newer systems have up there sleeve? Who will win? Save my money and tell me.