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Author Topic: My take on the console wars  (Read 2059 times)

Offline M4
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My take on the console wars
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2001, 07:41:03 PM »
Cause MS has one thing in mind this genration, grab market share and living room space.

The real war here is the battle of the living room and gateways to the internet though set top boxes. Games are the appeal that gets this all rolling and keeps it rolling.

MS is a new comer, and sure they\'d like to make a huge profit and will strive too, but whatr MS really wants is a solid footing in the market and a even playing floor for the next round.

Why would they place so much effort on buying these companies to where they end up losing money overall, though? This would cause them to lose money throughout the entire five year console war. Unless I\'ve totally screwed up and missed your point..

I do see what you are saying though; gaining a large userbase is a definite large priority. I doubt they would want to take a large loss to do this, though.
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My take on the console wars
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2001, 05:23:23 PM »
Originally posted by EThugg

You CANNOT prove that either. And there was a FF for N64 that was canned.

Sony did buy Psygnosis back then, to add dev houses, just like MS is now.

Naughty Dog was bought recently.... after the successful Crash series.

Sony bought Psygnosis before PSX became a Sony only project.
Psygnosis kept making games for other consoles too though.
I didnt know Naughty Dog was bought recently.They werent developing for any other system anyways.

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My take on the console wars
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2001, 05:39:39 PM »
Originally posted by ddaryl
I don\'t think any money was involved and I don\'t think there is anything to back that up.  Any money changing hand would be publicly known I\'m sure. However I am sure SOny gave Square a sweetheart deal on dev kits and liscensing fees and other contracted perks

Ok so your telling me that you know everything that goes down. If something did go down with money that does not mean square or sony would have to reveal anything. It is funny how square just up and jump ship so soon. But anyways I really could care less about the console war, because if I pledge my  allegiance to ms or sony they are not going to give me ****!(Excuse my language:D So I could care less about there little war if nintendo, ms or sony offer me great games I will buy them. Unlike most fanboys that are bias to great gaming from anyother company except there console god.
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My take on the console wars
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2001, 05:44:43 PM »
Originally posted by Unicron!

Sony bought Psygnosis before PSX became a Sony only project.
Psygnosis kept making games for other consoles too though.
I didnt know Naughty Dog was bought recently.They werent developing for any other system anyways.

The point is that like MS, Sony bought up dev studios, cause they wanted to be successful, and couldnt do it alone. Exactly like MS is now.
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My take on the console wars
« Reply #19 on: April 14, 2001, 03:47:49 AM »
Originally posted by EThugg

The point is that like MS, Sony bought up dev studios, cause they wanted to be successful, and couldnt do it alone. Exactly like MS is now.

ok ok:D


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