First off I understand that the voice of a few people do not represent an entire forum so if you are scratching your head thinking "WTF" as well then this is not directed towards you.
Okay, I thought that I could hold this in but I have to know what you guys think. There is a thread in the main forum that has people all pumped about the HD/Linux package. What am I missing here?
Paraphrasing: "Yeah, a keyboard, a mouse, a monitor and linux!!"
"Now I can hook my PS2 up to my Monitor and surf the web!"
What? A keyboard? Linux? What is going on? This is PC talk expect with a PS2. Everyone seemed to agree a few months ago that we wanted game machines, not convergence devices. Assuming that the majority of you are using a PC right now, why would you want to spend $100+ to add the same functionality to you game console?
And what about the size of the HD? This size was not chosen to enhance gaming. You need a relatively small amount of space to run an effective cache off of so why not choose the smallest HD you can and sell it for as cheap as possible so people actually adopt it. A 40 gig hard drive is clearly meant for something more than gaming and will inherently be more expensive.
Now maybe Sony plans to offer some deal where you can get the HD and BB for "free" if you sign up for a few years of some sort of Sony Online service. That is all well and good but think of how fragmented the market is. Some people just have the PS2, some have the the HD and BB and some ppl have the HD and a Dial-Up connection. That simply cannot be good.
Even more troublesome is that someone mentioned that they will sell the BB w/o the HD? If that is true then the HD will only be for web browsing and saying "it is larger than the Xbox\'s" since selling people modems will be hard enough and selling them two add-ons is hopeless on any useful scale.
If you can buy online functionality w/o the HD then you have 6 possible configurations... and in the first year!
So there is my little rant. Who here wants a convergence device? I would love to hear you thoughts on how this can work out for Sony, the Developers and the Gamers.