Thought I\'d offer fair warning for all you peeps... This is related to the May issue (volume 44) of the Official U.S. Playstation Magazine.
You see, I\'ve got a bud at work that ain\'t up for purchasing Z.O.E. to get the MGS2 demo. And although I\'d recently lent him my demo, seeing the wording on the shrunkwrapped cover of the aforementioned magazine in my local newsstand, I thought I\'d purchase it because of the demo disc enclosed within the mag. And then I\'d pass him the mag\'s demo disc so he could enjoy MGS2 as often as he\'d like...
So what was splashed all over the shrinkwrap? What could I make out on the cover? What did I think except that we are 2 years past the original MGS and only 6 months or so away from its what rational reason should I have for presuming that the demo disc included a demo of the *original* MGS?!!! Sheeeeit!
Well, back to my questions above... To answer...(well, in a way, you\'d need to view the shrinkwrap yourself to come to your own conclusions)...but basically a big PS2 fonted imprint with Playstation 2 under that & then "New games that you have to see to believe" and "Every PS2 game rated" and "Top-Secret videos of cool Playstation 2 games"....and you know what else it said??? "13 Demos on this month\'s disc" Below that, a list of the games demoed: Metal Gear Solid - Ape Escape - Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - Syphon Filter 2 - Medievil II - The Legend of Dragoon - Cool Boarders 2001 - The Emperor\'s New Groove - Tekken 3. Heck, the back even had a splash of Demo Disk Extra Play Classic Games (and had the same listing of games relisted again there). So did you blink? Did you notice that the MGS listing didn\'t include a "2"? I didn\'t. Maybe cuz I\'m a dumba$$. Or maybe cuz there was soo much other MGS2 related stuff splashed all over the wrap & the cover that my mind was kinda fooled into thinking I read "MGS2" in that listing...
You see, viewing through the shrinkwrap I could read the cover too and saw topics like "...Metal Gear Solid 2..." (but I didn\'t notice initially that after MGS2 continued on with "...& Final Fantasy Move Action Figures Revealed..."). Crip!!! Or on another part of the cover under the heading Playstation 2: very first listing on a list of games was Metal Gear Solid 2... What a fool.
You see, this turned out to be a lesson in psychology. My mind was soooo sure I was about to receive a magazine with a MGS2 demo in it... So sure...
... But no, the actually only included a demo of the original MGS!!! A 2 year old game (heck, all these "classics" on this demo are old!!!) that anyone can get new for under $20US is on a demo disc in May of 2001!!! Cheap trick...flat out. This was a play on my readiness to believe another optional way (other than purchasing ZOE) to get the MGS2 demo was within my grasp. Psych!
The marketers worked their magic well. And I only wanted this disc for a friend. Think of all the similar dupes that are buying this $7.99US mag just because they "thought theirselves into believing" a MGS2 demo was just inside the shrinkwrap! Sad.
On the upside, the magazine issue itself is turning out to be quite a good read. Really liking the MOH:Frontline article. Also as a racing fan, I\'m kinda stoked for the return of Spy Hunter on the PS2! And while it was only a splash of words, getting a few more pics of Ace Combat 4 was a real treat too (what an incredible game that\'s going to be!!!)
Anyway, I believe my post serves as a word of warning on this magazine\'s May issue. Don\'t be a dumba$$ & think you\'re gonna get an MGS2 demo inside.