Well, i think judging from what we have it\'s very hard to rule out gamecube. They already have a LOT more 3rd parties than they did with N64. They have easier to program for hardware. The have cheaper licensing fees. They have a cheaper storage medium. They have a more workable medium, that allows for all the features of regular DVD\'s, but at a fraction of the size which will make it really hard to pirate for a while, which will reduce cost from piracy. The reason i\'ve said all this?? Don\'t you agree that if you were a developer you\'d like the look of that?
Well anyhoo, they\'ve got a nice lot of new 2nd party developers, which have already stated they were brought on board to create some more mature games. Now... i too get annoyed when the "kiddy" demographic issue is brought up. Sure, a lot of games had bright colours, furry :cute: main characters, but this is pass the game off as kiddy, and therefore not playable, I find nintendo games some of the most playable I\'ve ever played. It\'s about fun, and if fun is what you want at least TRY these games.... not everybody will like them, but a great deal of people will. Anyway, that aside, nintendo are trying to break free of this kid\'s only image, but that doesn\'t mean that the demographic goes from slightly younger to older, it means it broadens and caters to all, in fact I\'ll bet of all systems it caters to the widest audiences.
In saying that, still, wait for E3, have a look, give the system a chance, and expect to be surprised at just how good it turns out to be, just keep an open mind.