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Author Topic: Why I won\'t but the GameCube  (Read 2769 times)

Offline CS2x
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Why I won\'t but the GameCube
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2001, 10:40:28 AM »
I agree Gamecube will have Nintendo and other great exclusives, but I will miss out on many third party/PC developed/other  games which I really want...including games that won\'t work on my PC...Although it is rather early to judge Gamecube...just speculating on current news and the N64\'s performance.

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Offline IronFist
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Why I won\'t but the GameCube
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2001, 11:47:27 AM »
Originally posted by Animal Mother
No I don\'t understand you. Because Nintendo caters to a different audience. No matter what, Nintendo makes the best games. Fun, good graphics, ect. Why don\'t you open your eyes a little more

Well that was very hypocritical.  You told him to open his eyes a little bit more, but right before that you said, "No matter what, Nintendo makes the best games."  Who really needs to open his eyes, him or you?
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Offline RichG
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Why I won\'t but the GameCube
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2001, 11:52:08 AM »
Well Nintendo have only released 3 main consoles (Nes, Snes and N64). Back in the day the Nes and Snes had all the support it needed.

What im saying is that Nintendo have only made one mistake, the N64, which by no means would be classed as a great console, it had too little games, Quality over Quantity is nice but you do need some quantity.

So if Nintendo plan to do this again then yeah I think it will fail, I think the PS2 and X-Box will kick it a**e even if it did have a few great games. However we don\'t know if this will happen yet. E3 should tell us more.

If I had to say which way it will fall I think it may happen, basically basing this on the fact that Nintendo haven\'t allowed Square to develop for them, said they may halt production / push back the release date if it got bad press at E3 and the fact that they are very secrative, everyone knows about PS2, what games are expected etc, everyone knows about X-Box, and a lot less is known about the NGC making people think the race is between X-Box and PS2 only, which it very well could be.

Offline ho3j
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Why I won\'t but the GameCube
« Reply #18 on: May 05, 2001, 02:42:25 PM »
Originally posted by ElAsesino
This is ridiculous.  How can people call themselves a gamer when they refuse to buy a great game just because it doesn\'t cater to them.  That\'s bull**** at its finest.

???  That sounds like you are calling personaly prefrence BS.

Anyway,  I don\'t think anyone should be counting out the GCN until E3.  Considering how little we know of this system it seems premature to say that you do not want one.

Offline Black Samurai
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Why I won\'t but the GameCube
« Reply #19 on: May 05, 2001, 03:18:50 PM »
Originally posted by ho3j
Anyway,  I don\'t think anyone should be counting out the GCN until E3.  Considering how little we know of this system it seems premature to say that you do not want one.

And that should basically end the argument. Lets wait until E3 before we decide who will or won\'t have such and such. Until then, Holla

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Why I won\'t but the GameCube
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2001, 12:51:11 AM »
F*ck it. Nevermind.

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Offline RichG
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Why I won\'t but the GameCube
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2001, 01:02:56 AM »
Yeah I agree. E3 should tell us lots of things we need to know and not only about the NGC.

Offline BizioEE

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Why I won\'t but the GameCube
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2001, 05:47:53 AM »
Personally,I don\'t care if GameCube has an inferior Third-Party support...I\'m interested on First and Second Party Games...those games wich are capable of touching Me :)
(I can\'t wait for Mario!!)
This is only my opinion...but I think that Nintendo is the Most Original Developer on the Planet and They will make us crying out ""MIRACLE!"" at The E3 !!

...so...CS2x...if you don\'t like Nintendo\'s wonders...maybe it\'s better you buy PS2 or X-Box...it\'s only a matter of taste...
...however it\'s too early to deliver a judgement...let\'s wait and see :)
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Offline Gradman
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Why I won\'t but the GameCube
« Reply #23 on: May 06, 2001, 05:58:02 AM »
Well, i think judging from what we have it\'s very hard to rule out gamecube. They already have a LOT more 3rd parties than they did with N64. They have easier to program for hardware. The have cheaper licensing fees. They have a cheaper storage medium. They have a more workable medium, that allows for all the features of regular DVD\'s, but at a fraction of the size which will make it really hard to pirate for a while, which will reduce cost from piracy. The reason i\'ve said all this?? Don\'t you agree that if you were a developer you\'d like the look of that?

Well anyhoo, they\'ve got a nice lot of new 2nd party developers, which have already stated they were brought on board to create some more mature games. Now... i too get annoyed when the "kiddy" demographic issue is brought up. Sure, a lot of games had bright colours, furry :cute: main characters, but this is pass the game off as kiddy, and therefore not playable, I find nintendo games some of the most playable I\'ve ever played. It\'s about fun, and if fun is what you want at least TRY these games.... not everybody will like them, but a great deal of people will. Anyway, that aside, nintendo are trying to break free of this kid\'s only image, but that doesn\'t mean that the demographic goes from slightly younger to older, it means it broadens and caters to all, in fact I\'ll bet of all systems it caters to the widest audiences.

In saying that, still, wait for E3, have a look, give the system a chance, and expect to be surprised at just how good it turns out to be, just keep an open mind.
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Offline ElAsesino
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Why I won\'t but the GameCube
« Reply #24 on: May 06, 2001, 06:39:47 AM »
Bobs_Hardware "no, that is bul**** at its finest. I dont like Zelda, it bores the **** through me, and i cant stand the game. But i cant deny its a great game (its popularity alone proves this) Why should i buy a game that bores me to tears? it doesnt cater to me, so therefore i wont buy it. Thats why people dont buy it. Do you buy EVERY game that is released. Why not, because they dont cater for you. I dont like dancing games, so i dont buy them. I dont like platformers, so i dont buy them. Your statement was rather ignorant"

Yeah, Zelda bores the hell out of you, but you did actually play the game before you labeled it as a bad game.  

I was talking in reference to people who say Game A sucks just because it has crude humor without ever playing the game.  That\'s ridiculous.  

I don\'t buy every game that is released because most of them suck.  If you enjoy a game, then you\'re not thinking whether or not it caters to you while you play.  You just play the game and enjoy it like nothing ever happened.

Assuming that you\'ve played the latest dance or platform games, then your claim about them is fine, but if you haven\'t even then it is flawed.

ho3j - ??? That sounds like you are calling personaly prefrence BS.

Yeah, it does sound like it because it came out wrong.  I saying it in reference to people who label a game before playing it.  Like people who might say, "This game doesn\'t  have a mature theme or storyline so it sucks," or people who say, "This game has potty humor, so it sucks."

That is what I was talking about being ridiculous.
It seems as if the people [casual gamers] that we consider to know absolutely nothing are the ones that actually know the most important thing: Name brands don\'t make the console, games do.

Offline Bozco
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Why I won\'t but the GameCube
« Reply #25 on: May 06, 2001, 06:57:24 AM »
Originally posted by IronFist

Well that was very hypocritical.  You told him to open his eyes a little bit more, but right before that you said, "No matter what, Nintendo makes the best games."  Who really needs to open his eyes, him or you?

thank you

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Why I won\'t but the GameCube
« Reply #26 on: May 06, 2001, 04:53:53 PM »
I think that nintendo need some feedback from us "mature" gamers, look at that conker game. Yes it has blood, yes it has swearing, but it still is a kiddie game. Its not the blood and gore that makes a game mature, its the whole look of the game. Conker looks al bright and colorfull. Yes some people say that FF looks kiddie, I prefer the more mature look of FFX and FFVIII over the super deformed mode in FFIX. I wish that Rare could give us KI3 and a proper sequel to Goldeneye. I will see at e3 how the big N does, all our questions will be awnsered in a weeks time :)
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Offline EThugg
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Why I won\'t but the GameCube
« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2001, 06:44:51 AM »
I think the big N will do fine. Anyone see the new GBA commercial (in the US)? A Octopus on the collection plate! THEY CAN\'T FAIL! :D j/k... seriously, why is everyone dissing GC\'s 3rd party support? Dont they have Sega, EA, Namco, Capcom, Universal (Spyro/Crash)? Those alone will be plenty of good support to compliment Nintendo and Rares games.
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Offline Sheesh
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Why I won\'t but the GameCube
« Reply #28 on: May 07, 2001, 03:01:50 PM »
My only worry with the Cube was that it wasn\'t gonna have any good sports games (reason why I never bought a N64).  But it looks like Sega might bring some juice..and you know EA will be on board.  But i\'m still holding out till e3 to make up my mind.
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Offline Falcon4
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Why I won\'t but the GameCube
« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2001, 03:36:56 PM »
yeah e3 is going to be huge. i think gamecube will do better than x box, but thats my opinion. n 64 had NO good sports games.. just great party and fps games..
i think it may stay that way, they already said, theyre target audience is younger age people... that means microsoft will have to do battle with sony for market share...
what an interesting time to be gaming...:D:D:D
the fanboys, the fanboys.. ;)
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