(This is meant for fun so if you respond with rage when someone raises questions about your console of question please move along. All console have their strength and weaknesses.)
Here are the shots from Madden NFL 2002.
and here is the quote
http://ps2.ign.com/news/34402.html"Update: EA has confirmed these are GameCube shots, so the PS2 version should be even better.
"Okay, first off I think we can all agree that those shots are not on par with what we expect from any next-gen game. The PS2 can do better, the Xbox can do better, and, if Rouge Squadron is any indication, the GCN can do better.
So what does this mean?
Is this just one of EA\'s lazier titles? Is the GCN harder to develope for than we have been told? Is PS2.IGN right in their assumption that the game will look better on the PS2?
This board has a lot of hardcore Nintendo fans who can correct me if I am wrong or clarify this but I seem to remember Silicon Knights mentioning that what they had shown at SpaceWorld was old at the time and they had since added realtime lighting. I also remember FSAA being implemented. Now that much more of the game has been shown we are hearing that what we have seen in old and that they have since added realtime lighting. Oddly, there was no FSAA apparent in the very clear shots posted by Lucas Arts. Does this suggest that the GCN isn\'t as easy to develop for as once suggested and why was FSAA around from the very beginning but suddenly vanish?
It certainly makes me wonder. But at the same time, if the GCN was hard to develop for then why start on it? Why not make the game on the PS2 or Xbox since once the first is done they will just port to the rest? Does this mean that they expect to get the best results out of the GCN and then scale down the program for the other system or are they just going with the lowest common denominate?