Originally posted by SonyFan
Nice example there Jumpman... First of all, most of the people at these forums didn\'t respond to your thread. About half of them that did post in your thread don\'t care for you or just don\'t have an opinion one way or another (and most of THEM hated you at some time, but are over it now). The rest are, for the most part, Newbies who haven\'t even been around long enough to really know you.
Why are you so concerned with conveying the point that people here like you, or at least respect you? Is it so that you can establish some kind of backup and credibility for your weak arguments and flames? Eh, whatever. Dude, you\'re not nearly as well liked or respected here as you would like to think (or as you would others to think). Don\'t try to take that as me saying most people here don\'t like you. From feeling the way the wind has been blowing lately, I\'d say most just don\'t care about you or find you mildly annoying.
First of all, I don\'t care about what people think of me. I don\'t care if they like or hate me.
Second, I\'m not expected to be liked. If you click on the link I provided that you would of realized that.
Just look at what I said.
Man why do so many people like me? I thought I was one of the most hated members here(kind of like the HHH of PSX2Central). Now I find out that everyone has nothing against me. That\'s shocking news for me! I wanted to see some hatred and all I got was friendly replies. Ugh. I thought more people would be jumping at the chance to insult me but unfortunately I guess I\'m actually a liked member ...
Whether you like me or not, I don\'t care. I do not need any assistance nor do I want any.
Regarding the troll statement, I think that\'s bull****. The system I prefer the most is obvious but so what? I don\'t make BS statements about Sony, Sega, or MS and I barely ever start threads. If insulting people for being moronic is being a troll then I guess I\'m guilty. I know there is another member here who likes that...
I never knew Canada had exclusive rights on the term eh?
You seemed to use it as an insult which is pathetic. You agressively attacked me in a USA thread in rants and raves so it make perfect sense that you were insulting my home country. Either way, I simply don\'t care...
Not much. A punk is still a punk.
The word "punk" is not used anymore in the regular teen vocabulary so obviously stuff has changed since you were one....
If you had asked what people think of you in just about any other thread that you have posted in you would have received a LOT of different replies. Some people won\'t even enter a post that you start, let alone reply.
Assumptions assumptions... Read above- I don\'t care what other people here will do.
Well, You have to earn respect first and that is something you have not done. Should I respect you because you are the toughest 14 year old on the net?
Wow did that hurt. You didn\'t answer my questions.
Then should I respect you just because blah blah blah... :rolleyes:
(in case you don\'t know then I\'m saying your statement means **** to me)
This started as me giving my valid opinions towards the Xbox\'s games and now I\'m defending myself, again. People seem to like attaxking me. (
