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Author Topic: E3: X-Box - Jet Set Radio: Future  (Read 1487 times)

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E3: X-Box - Jet Set Radio: Future
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2001, 02:49:41 PM »
Yeah, I like pretty much all the aviewaskew movies, (Anything with Jay and Silent Bob in it) but Dogma was really cool because it touches on some things about religeon that I\'ve been thinking about for a long time.

And yeah, Selma Hayek is a grade A hottie. Usually pig tails are a major turn off for me. I hate em, but for some reason they only make her sexier. Man I gotta get that movie on DVD. :)
Please Bleed.. so I know that you are real.
Please Bleed.. so I know that you can feel the damage that you\'ve done.
What have I become? To myself I am numb. ~ Ben Harper
Plane Crash <-- moe. (Listen to while staring at Heat\'s Avvy.)
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