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Author Topic: X-BOX CRASHES: Revealed!! LOL!!  (Read 3141 times)

Offline STROKE
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X-BOX CRASHES: Revealed!! LOL!!
« Reply #30 on: May 22, 2001, 07:51:08 AM »
Maybe I will buy the XBOX. Is there a driver disk in the box?

What about the good old BlueScreen? Press any button?
Cannot find xyz.dll ?............Questions and questions.
Why do women fake orgasm?

Because they think we care

Offline nO-One

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X-BOX CRASHES: Revealed!! LOL!!
« Reply #31 on: May 22, 2001, 09:59:13 AM »
Thank you for the award ooseven :)

ooseven: I know give nO-One and myself (well big surprise there huh) the "Feet on the ground" award

nO-One: *his face turns red* stands up in the crowd.Nearly crying as he walks to the stage.

ooseven: Here ya go mate,feel pride in this *hands him a pair of golden feet*

nO-One: I will bud *sniff* tears streaming down his face.

ooseven: Jeez mate,don\'t be so emotional.It\'s just a pair of feet which I spray painted.And you don\'t even want to know where I got them.I also reccomend you keep these either in a plastic bag,or a closed closet.

nO-One: So yours are not real gold either?

ooseven: Ohh no,mine are real gold.But rest assured that your award probly means alot to some poor bloke out there heh heh.

nO-One: Why did your get the gold ones?

ooseven: It doesn\'t matter which one of us got which.It\'s the sentiment that counts :)

nO-One: I guess your right

The next day nO-One was caught by the police and sentenced for life for manslaughter.Nobody belived his story about the crazy secret agent.
I recently discovered that my ass is the key to the universe.....now I must fight to protect my ass from those who might abuse it!!!


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