LOL, well folks what we have here is One Angry Fanboy.
he\'s all pissy like a little child cause of his stupid response in this thread Animal didn\'t I say there that you take this forum a little to seriously. Also didn\'t I say for you to go outside and be one with nature, it seems you have not done so.
With this thread you have posted you have proven many of my points clearly. AS Ethugg had suggested it is
dumb, so dumb that I found it and your ignorance to be quite amusing. You Sir are a man full of hatred and anger, in way I feel sympathy for you.
Therefore my other suggestion for you is to click your Amigdila forward. It\'s a little pee that is part of the brain, located between your eyes and ears. By clicking this organ forward it allows one to move beyond their reptile part of the brain, which you seem to be stuck in.
To click it forward mentally project that you are ticking the front of it with a feather, try this and tell me how you feel.