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Author Topic: Confirmation on Xbox\'s power compared to ps2  (Read 2856 times)

Offline rastalant
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Confirmation on Xbox\'s power compared to ps2
« on: May 31, 2001, 07:56:02 PM »
Lucasarts ported over starfighter to xbox.... and look at the results.. Remember this was ps2 code that was ported over to the xbox, and the ps2 version was optimised fully for the ps2. If you have any doubts of the xbox\'s power in comparison to the ps2... this interview should put all those doubts to rest.

LucasArts has relaunched the official Star Wars Starfighter: Special Edition site with a cool new design to promote the Xbox game with new levels and features and enhanced graphics to get you flying in 3D vehicles set in the fictional worlds of Star Wars. And the promotion seems to be working because GameSpot Australia has an interview with produce Reeve Thompson. As with the original PS2 version, the game will feature three main characters: the rookie fighter pilot Rhys Dallows, the mercenary Vana Sage, and the interstellar pirate leader Nym. Various 3D vehicles, including the Naboo starfighter will also be implemented. The upgrade will have five new bonus missions, enhanced graphics, and an improved two-player mode.

GS: Are you going to take advantage of the Xbox self shadowing and other hardware effects?
RT: Absolutely. Well when we brought over the code we instantly got a huge boost in performance. Right out of the gate, we got boost. Also with the Xbox we have twice as much memory to work with. And Starfighter has always been acclaimed when it comes to detail of the terrain, and also of the ships themselves. Now, we can go from 128x128 to 256x256 textures. That\'s quadrupling the detail. So we\'re going to do that. So all the people who\'ve seen Starfighter, and think it looks great, just wait until you see the Xbox version.

GS: Four times better?

RT: Well it\'s definitely going to be a lot better. Technically, we\'ll have four times the information in certain areas but um, yeah. It\'s gonna look awesome.


Interesting info
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Confirmation on Xbox\'s power compared to ps2
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2001, 07:58:08 PM »
Good to hear. I still h8 LA\'s.
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Offline rastalant
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Confirmation on Xbox\'s power compared to ps2
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2001, 08:24:47 PM »
Originally posted by EThugg
Good to hear. I still h8 LA\'s.

LA does suck!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Confirmation on Xbox\'s power compared to ps2
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2001, 08:31:54 PM »
On a side note, I really do not think Lucas Arts got close to all of the PS2\'s power tapped when they made starfighter.

but naturally expected improvements with the Xbox version. Textures being one of the improvements

Offline rastalant
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Confirmation on Xbox\'s power compared to ps2
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2001, 09:02:18 PM »
Originally posted by ddaryl
On a side note, I really do not think Lucas Arts got close to all of the PS2\'s power tapped when they made starfighter.

but naturally expected improvements with the Xbox version. Textures being one of the improvements

The real test is seeing if Konami(or Hideo) could push MGS2 to new heights using the X0Box.
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Confirmation on Xbox\'s power compared to ps2
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2001, 09:05:25 PM »
I agree with ddaryl. Starfighter may have been "fully optimised" for the PS2 hardware.. but it did not, in anyway, take full advantage of the PS2\'s power. I would have thought that would have been easy to see when you consider all the games comming out in the next few months that look worlds better than SF.

I also gotta disagree that LucasArts sucks. Granted, they lean WAYYYYY to heavily on their Starwars franchises, and expected anything with the words "Jedi" Or "Empire Strikes Back" to sell.. no matter how crappy the product. However, they do make a lot of great games outside of the Starwars vein. Take Monkey Island, Loom, Grim Fandago, Manic Mansion, and the Indiana Jones games for example. Yes, those are all adventures.. but it really shows what LucasArts is capable of when their not just leaning on a wildly popular licences to sell digitalized crap for a quick profit.
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Confirmation on Xbox\'s power compared to ps2
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2001, 09:26:21 PM »
I heard that the XBox is supposed to be 10 times as powerful as the PS2....WOW

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Confirmation on Xbox\'s power compared to ps2
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2001, 09:43:19 PM »
riiiiight...so their game was fully optimised for the PS2 was it...i see...somehow, i dont believe that fully...i hardly think this is \'confirmation\'

and on a side note, X-Box would ****ing well want to be way more powerful than the PS2, its being released almost two years after it

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Confirmation on Xbox\'s power compared to ps2
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2001, 03:20:16 AM »
xbox is easily 2-3 times more powerfull than ps2 in terms of graphics, but in terms of games it needs to catch up quite a bit
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Confirmation on Xbox\'s power compared to ps2
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2001, 05:10:47 AM »
Originally posted by Metal_Gear_Ray
xbox is easily 2-3 times more powerfull than ps2 in terms of graphics, but in terms of games it needs to catch up quite a bit

That is very well debatable seeing how there are only a handful of AAA titles on ps2. I.e MGS2, ffx, gt3......and maybe tekken.
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Confirmation on Xbox\'s power compared to ps2
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2001, 07:00:20 AM »
What looks better? Half Life on a P3 900Mhz and GeForce2 or on a P5 2000Mhz and GeForce4? There is no difference. I mean that the power is not important but the games, which try to use the power of a console. Who knows, maybe the best-looking PS2 game will look better than the best-looking XBOX game.
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Confirmation on Xbox\'s power compared to ps2
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2001, 07:22:58 AM »
Originally posted by XBOX

That is very well debatable seeing how there are only a handful of AAA titles on ps2. I.e MGS2, ffx, gt3......and maybe tekken.

a hand full?? The only real AAA exclusive title I can see on xbox are Halo, munch, doa3 and Unreal champions. the rest all wait and see

ps2 has

Onimusha (2)
Devil may Cry
The getaway
Tekken 4
Soul calibur 2
Virtua fighter 4
WipeOut Fusion
Resident evil 4    (and a DC port of CV)

and some hidden titles (sega!)

thats more than xbox!
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Confirmation on Xbox\'s power compared to ps2
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2001, 08:37:07 AM »
Ah yes, SROKE, a peice of software can only perform within the limits of its design, irrespective of the hardware that it\'s running on. While HalfLife may look the same on your P5-2GHZ (2GHZ? purdy slow for a P5) as it would your P3-900MHZ, other games designed to utlise the power of the GeForce4 and the P5 will look a helluva lot better.

By mentioning hardware utilisation, you have raised the subject of the accessability of power, better known as developer friendlyness. This is something that the PS2 lacks, in the most relative of terms. We\'ve seen this fact manifest itself in the form of Jagtastic Japanese Launch games and now the unofficial complaints concearning the archaic nature of Vector Unit Optimisations. (Square, FFX-Delays, etc. etc.)

Credit must be given to Sony for improving things since the days of "hard coding" and the non-existance of high level PS2 libraries. However, dispite what is (assumed) officially described as Sony\'s best efforts, the Xbox\'s accessability in this respect, by far eclipses the PS2. One is hard pressed to legitimately argue the contrary.

This of course has very major implications. Afteral, developers are faced with two consoles, with one having formidable advantages in both fields of technical capability and the accessability of said aspect. Bar any major unexpected "twists", these two Xbox advantages will ultimatley outweigh the PS2\'s current popularity, as the PSX did the Saturn. (although not in as dramatic a fasion)

Simplified Version of above:
Xbox Power > PS2 Power
(this includes the widespread utlisation of the Xbox\'s HDD)
Xbox Developer Friendlyness > PS2 Develper Freindlyness
Xbox Game Quality > PS2 Game Quality

Given Time:
Xbox Fanbase > PS2 Fanbase
Though this might be my qualified prediction of things to come, it is non-the-less, just a prediction. Don\'t get too worked up by something that might not happen at all. In short, please don\'t flame.

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Confirmation on Xbox\'s power compared to ps2
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2001, 08:44:19 AM »
sure, the x box is more powerful, but the games are what counts.
psx beat the crap out of n64,
so this arguement is flawed.
no one knows what the ps2 can really do, and noone knows what the x box can do! its not even out yet!
dont be a fanboy raslant,
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Confirmation on Xbox\'s power compared to ps2
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2001, 09:53:01 AM »
L.A. sucks!

They cant program PS2..

Look at FFX, DMC, GT3, MGS2 and JaD instead..

Btw I think Dropship looks waay better than SWSF!
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