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Author Topic: Now that the Xbox looks like a bust will the PS2\'s dominance be good for the industry  (Read 3439 times)

Offline Futami
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Considering fresh, and belated, impressions from E3, it appears that the Xbox has had its 3rd and final strike. Each time its advocates implored we wait, assuring us that the system would impress upon us its vast superiority over the competition, and each time we obliged their desperate requests we were left underwhelmed and exhausted with anticipation unfufilled. The Xbox is a bust. Let\'s get that out of the way. 3rd party interest in the system has dwindled considerably, primarily because of Japanese disinterest and less than accurate claims of the system\'s disproportionate strength with regards to the PS2 and GameCube. Granted, it has a few "exclusives" in the form of Dead or Alive 3, a sequel to a modestly received fighter for the DC/PS2, and Jet Grind Future, the sequel to Sega\'s Rollerblade actioner that, albeit received with critical acclaim, was a commercial flop. With the question of Microsoft\'s emergence as a significant player no longer applicable, we now find ourselves confronted with the increasing prospect of the PS2 being the primary player for the next 5 years. How will this affect the industry? Will this semi-monopoly pose a threat to quality, or will it spur greater incentive for developers to hone their talents and produce the best possible PS2 games they can?

Any thoughts?
Time to take a backseat Mario. Move Over Sonic. Crash is driving us into the next generation!!!!!

Offline Falcon4
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yeah sure, sony is lookin sharper than x box at the moment, but i wouldnt count them off yet.
its too early, i would wait till we see games on the "final hardware" around launch. then we will see.
the ps2\'s future is unbeliveably bright, just dont count out microsoft. $ 500,000 ad budget?
IM BACK. you have a problem with that? get in the back.

Offline Futami
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How many chances are will willing to grant the Xbox? Its games indicate no superiority over the Gamecube and PS2. It\'s received multiple chances to demonstrate how it intends to seperate itself from the PS2, to no avail. 500 million dollar AD budget can only go so far. You can\'t take a lump of doodoo and make it into a diamond, no matter how much money you pour into it.
Time to take a backseat Mario. Move Over Sonic. Crash is driving us into the next generation!!!!!

Offline Falcon4
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yes, it has been given many chances, im just saying that we shouldnt count it out. microsof has finally given the final devs out, so if the games dont show the superioriy they say, they will fail, just dont count it out, thats all im saying.
IM BACK. you have a problem with that? get in the back.

Offline TheGeezer
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I think the x box will still sell but just wont have as large a market share as Sony

Offline Samwise
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*flies off to console debating*
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline Black Samurai
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Who said the Xbox will be a bust? You are talking out of your ass. Sony has not run off w/ this generation just yet. Maybe you should wait until the Xbox launches before you make STUPID claims like this one.
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Offline Futami
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Ahh another Xbox fanboy. Geezus. How many pathetic Xbox fanboys are on this forum?? If you can\'t rummage through the various published, and posted, impressions of E3, by press and consumer attendees alike, and glean that the Xbox had a miserable showing then you\'re just too pathetic for words. The Xbox had its chance, and it bombed. It has NO chance. It\'s launching after the Gamecube which, although highly unlikely to sell anywhere near as much as the PS2, will undoubtedly garner a much greater share of the market than the Xbox. So why don\'t YOU refrain from responding with STUPID BS replies when you\'re not dealing with the facts idiot.
Time to take a backseat Mario. Move Over Sonic. Crash is driving us into the next generation!!!!!

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Futami, would you please stop spewing bull****. Gohan is definitely not a Xbox fanboy, he\'s just posting the truth. Suck it up princess.

Offline tHe GaMe
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Originally posted by Jumpman
Futami, would you please stop spewing bull****. Gohan is definitely not a Xbox fanboy, he\'s just posting the truth. Suck it up princess.

I agree.
Proud Owner of the Playstation 2, futrue Owner of Nintendo\'s Gamecube.

Sony vs. Nintendo Round 2

Microosft were do you wanna crash today?

Offline ooseven
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[microsoft mind control Chip Enabled]
Come November the X box will send all the PS2 fanboys and indded owners running to trade in their playstation 2\'s

i am going to be at the head of the lot fighting them to get one and to try and trade mine in for a fraction for what i paid for it.

i know i will....

[microsoft mind control chip disabled]

Hey wait a min\' did i just say what i think i said, Damit Bill what did you put in my Drink, all i remember was ordering a Jack Danels and Coke and going to the Toilet and something about Bill Gates saying that it was his round.

the next thing .... i wake up with a sore head and a strange lump of metal sticking out of my head with a Microsoft logo on it ......

Futami start to panic he said your next on his list ;).
“If you’re talking about sheep or goats, there could be some issues,” [/color]

Offline Seraphim Pride
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If there\'s one thing I\'m sure of about XBOX is that unlike Dreamcast it\'s gonna be damn hard for it to fail when It\'s backed by one of the richest men on the planet and he can afford to sell each console for $40 if he wanted to it\'s not like he\'s really worried about money he\'s looking to broaden Microsoft\'s grip in the electronic world and some of the games look interesting but for now I\'m about 100%  more interested in GameCube no offense.  I\'m sure there will be good games on Xbox as will all other systems so all the bashing is pretty much pointless since most Xbox games will be on other systems eventually I said MOST not all and what I really want is DOA3...I\'ll wait for that game when it comes over to PS2 or GC.
Give me the gift of nothingness give me death.

Offline Bossieman
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I think that the competition is between x-box and GC not the PS2, I pretty sure that the PS2 will be the main console, but second place I dont know..........

Offline ooseven
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Originally posted by Bossieman
I think that the competition is between x-box and GC not the PS2, I pretty sure that the PS2 will be the main console, but second place I dont know..........

i can\'t what for the X box and GC launch.......

Just think in the USA there will be HARDEBED X BOX and GC fanboys faceing each other in the games stores .....

Any one think there will be any fights ?

now thats what i call a console war....
“If you’re talking about sheep or goats, there could be some issues,” [/color]

Offline ElAsesino
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I disagree.  I don\'t think you can count the XBox out because of a trade show.  Think about it.  If you based a console\'s success off of how it performed at a trade show, then all of you would be on your hands and knees worshipping Nintendo as we speak.

I don\'t think you can even begin to count a console out until it has been out for at least 6 months.  Only then will we see the fate of the XBox and GC.
It seems as if the people [casual gamers] that we consider to know absolutely nothing are the ones that actually know the most important thing: Name brands don\'t make the console, games do.


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