Considering fresh, and belated, impressions from E3, it appears that the Xbox has had its 3rd and final strike. Each time its advocates implored we wait, assuring us that the system would impress upon us its vast superiority over the competition, and each time we obliged their desperate requests we were left underwhelmed and exhausted with anticipation unfufilled. The Xbox is a bust. Let\'s get that out of the way. 3rd party interest in the system has dwindled considerably, primarily because of Japanese disinterest and less than accurate claims of the system\'s disproportionate strength with regards to the PS2 and GameCube. Granted, it has a few "exclusives" in the form of Dead or Alive 3, a sequel to a modestly received fighter for the DC/PS2, and Jet Grind Future, the sequel to Sega\'s Rollerblade actioner that, albeit received with critical acclaim, was a commercial flop. With the question of Microsoft\'s emergence as a significant player no longer applicable, we now find ourselves confronted with the increasing prospect of the PS2 being the primary player for the next 5 years. How will this affect the industry? Will this semi-monopoly pose a threat to quality, or will it spur greater incentive for developers to hone their talents and produce the best possible PS2 games they can?
Any thoughts?