Jumping from SonyFan\'s comments:
"In my experience.. the ingredients for a winning console seems to be 20-30% AAA titles and the rest a slew of crap games. Really, no matter how generally crappy.. any game will certainly draw a fanbase. Having a mass of games, no matter the quality, will convince the mixed bag of fans from those games to buy the console they are on. It\'s called broad market appeal.. and it almost always works for some odd reason"
Whell, assuming that this is in fact true, one has to consider the Xbox\'s development environment. It\'s certainly the indisputable king in terms of developer friendlyness & accessablity, bringing games closer to critical acclaim by lightening the burden on its makers.. In that respect, developers have the most creative freedom with the Xbox, effectively making it the ideal platform for masses of AAA titles. With these considered, an impartial mind comes to the conclusion that the Xbox will eventually overtake Sony and rule.
Remember Netscape
We are XBox
You will be Assimilated
Resistance is Futile
However, one can\'t help but think of the giant obstacles that Microsoft would have to overcome to reach such an end. Back in the broader world of vicious competition, Microsoft\'s opponents will make it anything but an easy task. Not unlike the forces that killed the Dreamcast, these (opponents) include the minions of Stupidity, Ignorance and Close Mindedness as well as their corporate adversaries.
I leave the floor to Time to decide the ultimate outcome.....