I agree, 1 billion does seem a bit excessive. And technically, if 500 mil of that that cash is going to 3rd partys for exclusive games.. then you really can\'t consider that advertising.
Either way.. Sony and Nintnedo are no slouches when it comes to money stuck between their couch cushions either. Sony is a much larger company than Microsoft, and can easily afford to match MS\'s advertising blitz blow for blow. (Although they most likely won\'t, since there really is no need). Nintnedo, might not have quite as much cash to throw around, but with a combination of a good history, recognizable name, and a moderate advertising budget.. I fully expect the GC to keep pace as far as public knowlage is concerned.
Quite simply.. MS HAS to spend all this cash on advertising if they want to get the word out about their new console. Sony and Nintnedo both have something MS cannot buy.. no matter how much cash they throw around.. Good Reputations and Brand Recognision as console makers.
It\'ll be almost as interesting just watching the ad battles as it will be to watch the console wars itself.