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Author Topic: Microsoft not to spend 500 Million dollars for campaign but 1 Billion.......  (Read 1942 times)

Offline tHe GaMe
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We have heard many numbers come out this year and last year about how much money they will spend for the campaign. Some said 250 Million, then we finally heard 500 Million from Microsoft, but TechLive has just confirmed that Microsoft will spend over 1 Billion dollars to market the new X-Box system.

500 Million in ads(Thanks to DT Spike for this piece of info)
- TV ads
- Magazine ads
- Radio ads
- Billboards
- Displays
- Kiosks
- Xperience Tour
- Taco Bell promotions
- Sobe promotions
- Xbox hats for people like Peyton Manning
And so much more.

The other $500 million could go into games development, for example. They can use it to keep a 3rd party game exclusive, too. (i.e. paying off publishers/developers), or it could go to something else, who has a clue what the other 500 Million will go too.

Equals 1 Billion Dollars

Who want know about the XBox.
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Offline Claypool 2001
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1 Billion? i dont think so, some 3rd world countries dont even have that much money. You do know how much a billion dollars is? if the xbox bombs, and they put that much money into it just for advertising etc...they could go bankrupt!! or maybe not, i dont know how much money M$ makes yearly and all that, im not saying its impossible, but 1 BILLION!?!???! thats crazy...
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Seems abit extreme, but very likely. I would expect that $500 million of it will go to tryin to sign exclusives triple A titles, something MS is lacking.

Offline QuDDus
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Well seeing how MS is a multi-multi-multi billion dollar company. 1billion to them is just like 10 bucks to me and you. This is an awful lot of money and as long as they use to get the world out more power to them.
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Offline TheOgodlyThing
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I really don\'t see what is hard to believe about this. 1 billion dollars to MS is alot but they have plenty more in the bank.

Offline Animal Mother
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Well, the Ps2 practically sold it\'s self. I don\'t know why MS is being so arrogant. They are spending alot of money on this thing. I for one, am probably not getting one.
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Offline Bobs_Hardware

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GAH!  something tells me we are goign to be getting sick of videogame advertising, microsoft are going all out, expect Sony to be similarly aggressive, and...well i got no idea about nintendo...last figure i heard from them was 20 million

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last figure i heard from them[nintendo] was 20 million

Your sources must be high on mushrooms then. Nintendo is spending 250 million on advertising the GameCube.

Xbox is spending 500 million over 18 months so Nintendo really isn\'t that far behind in advertising as some of you gimps tend to think.

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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hey Jumpman, i was just quoting that figure off the top of my head...i know Nintendo are going to avertise aggessive

Offline Falcon4
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that is agressive, it it bombs.... well it will, (mabye)
they will lose alot of money, but hey they have alot of money to work with though :D
i expect sony to beef up ads too as well with nintendo
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Offline tHe GaMe
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Originally posted by TheOgodlyThing
I really don\'t see what is hard to believe about this. 1 billion dollars to MS is alot but they have plenty more in the bank.

Yes they do, and they are very serious about getting the word out.
Proud Owner of the Playstation 2, futrue Owner of Nintendo\'s Gamecube.

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Offline hyper
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Seems like every man and his dog will know what the X-Box is come this November. But the big question is, will the games sell??

Offline SonyFan
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I agree, 1 billion does seem a bit excessive. And technically, if 500 mil of that that cash is going to 3rd partys for exclusive games.. then you really can\'t consider that advertising.

Either way.. Sony and Nintnedo are no slouches when it comes to money stuck between their couch cushions either. Sony is a much larger company than Microsoft, and can easily afford to match MS\'s advertising blitz blow for blow. (Although they most likely won\'t, since there really is no need). Nintnedo, might not have quite as much cash to throw around, but with a combination of a good history, recognizable name, and a moderate advertising budget.. I fully expect the GC to keep pace as far as public knowlage is concerned.

Quite simply.. MS HAS to spend all this cash on advertising if they want to get the word out about their new console. Sony and Nintnedo both have something MS cannot buy.. no matter how much cash they throw around.. Good Reputations and Brand Recognision as console makers.

It\'ll be almost as interesting just watching the ad battles as it will be to watch the console wars itself.
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Offline Eiksirf
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From a business standpoint, that is a bold, but potentially deadly move by Microsoft.  They\'re really looking to bully their way into the console market...

Then again, everyone knew what a Game.Com was for a while, there. ;]

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Offline Bobs_Hardware

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SonyFan says:
Sony and Nintnedo are no slouches when it comes to money stuck between their couch cushions either. Sony is a much larger company than Microsoft, and can easily afford to match MS\'s advertising blitz blow for blow. (Although they most likely won\'t, since there really is no need).

i sorta disagree with you there, while microsoft have to put in the most work just to work there way in, Sony want to stay on top.  The launch of a console is the period of time when the console is hyped up more than any other time.  Sony has lost that hype, and now Nintendo and Microsoft are coming in tipped to the brim.  Sony i believe will come out with a full on advertising assault to steal away that hype.  Starting with games such as MGS2, FFx, Jak & Daxster, to show everyone what sort of graphics the PS2 can pump out (as it stands, those games definately hold there own against what the XB and GC have shown so far).  Then platinum range, prioce drops, bundle packs, peripherals...everything Sony could get away with while they have a virtual monopoly on console sales will change.  Plus advertising will be boosted.  I dont know about the folks in the US, but here in Australia we have seen a couple of adds for the PS2 itself, a couple of adds for Tekken, and a couple for SSX...thats IT.  Sony dont need to advertise yet, but if they want to stay on top, and take away some of the hype that MS and Nintendo are gaining, they need and most likely will pick up a little bit before the launches.


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