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Author Topic: A Billion Dollar campaign cannot steal Sony\'s light.....Hmmm interesting.  (Read 2513 times)

Offline QuDDus
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Too say that sony is unstopable is yet fanboyish and ignorant.  These analyst  know nothing.  PS2 has yet to be proven the best console gamers can have.  So for these so called specialist to be saying such things makes you wonder even more how do these ppl get there jobs.  It is already a given that Xbox is strongest console. With gamecube falling right behind.  Nintendo knows how to make games and appeal to their audience and this time in the next gen race they are not plague with  a cartridge problem.  I expect to see nintendo games better than I have seen before. Sony only knows how to make one good game and that is gt3. Nintndo has shown they can survive and make money on their own, but know they have better hardware and better support. Sony needs to watch out.

Second I advise them not to be so ****y when it comes to Microsoft. The name alone breed dominance. It proven they have the strongest console in the next gen race. And the exclusive xbox game list gets more impressive with each game that is announced. Sony needs to stop sitting around being ****y and makes some decent first party games, because GT is not enough when you look at Nintendo and what Microsoft is trying to do. Nintendo has it games and Mircrosoft is building thiers and the games are looking nice. I advise sony to fire 989 and hire some better developers and give us some better first party games.
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
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Offline EmperorRob
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Sony HAS won.  But how did they win?  THey won by coming into this market dominated by Nintendo and Sega and surpassing both in quantity/quality.  That was a few years ago.

"To be the man, you got to beat the man"

And right now Sony is the man.  They have to do absolutely nothing but keep on keeping on.
And before you guys start running your mouths about "what a fanboy" theGame is, you need to realize he posted an article from another source.  HE DIDN\'T WRITE IT SO STOP INSULTING HIM.  People go around shouting at others for something they didn\'t even do.  STUP-ID.
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Offline rastalant
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Originally posted by EmperorRob
Sony HAS won.  But how did they win?  THey won by coming into this market dominated by Nintendo and Sega and surpassing both in quantity/quality.  That was a few years ago.

"To be the man, you got to beat the man"

And right now Sony is the man.  They have to do absolutely nothing but keep on keeping on.
And before you guys start running your mouths about "what a fanboy" theGame is, you need to realize he posted an article from another source.  HE DIDN\'T WRITE IT SO STOP INSULTING HIM.  People go around shouting at others for something they didn\'t even do.  STUP-ID.

I agree with what your saying and the most annoying fanboys are nintendos.  Oh yeah I liked the way you added the part in with "To be the man you have to beat the man".  Sounds like ric flair to me whhooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
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Offline TheOgodlyThing
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opps wrong thread

Offline EThugg
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One systems been out for just over a year, the other 2 aren\'t even out. Only a moron (that\'s your que GaMe and TechTV) would be calling a winner.
\'The venom of my hate, and the blood of my enemies will flow freely.\'

Offline dawid22
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Originally posted by EmperorRob
Sony HAS won.  But how did they win?  THey won by coming into this market dominated by Nintendo and Sega and surpassing both in quantity/quality.  That was a few years ago.

"To be the man, you got to beat the man"

And right now Sony is the man.  They have to do absolutely nothing but keep on keeping on.
And before you guys start running your mouths about "what a fanboy" theGame is, you need to realize he posted an article from another source.  HE DIDN\'T WRITE IT SO STOP INSULTING HIM.  People go around shouting at others for something they didn\'t even do.  STUP-ID.

Well said!!
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Offline Docwiz
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Sony will do well that I am sure.  Lemmings all over again.  But just because its popular doesn\'t mean its quality.  Thats the sad thing about it.  The PS2 may win the console wars and sony may win until 3000 A.D, but the consumer will suffer.

Offline TheOgodlyThing
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Just like all the other half assed products out there DOCWIZ, yet the average consumer never even realizes it.

Offline Samwise
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Originally posted by Docwiz
Sony will do well that I am sure.  Lemmings all over again.  But just because its popular doesn\'t mean its quality.  Thats the sad thing about it.  The PS2 may win the console wars and sony may win until 3000 A.D, but the consumer will suffer.
I don\'t know about you DOC, but I\'m pretty sure Joe Schmoe will enjoy Twisted Metal: Black, Metal Gear Solid 2, Silent Hill 2, Devil May Cry, Gran Turismo 3 etc. etc. No one says you have to buy crap titles - you can just buy the good ones. Yes, PS2 has good titles now and lots more to come. The sad thing is if you miss out on that because of your blind hatred. Ignorance isn\'t limited to Sony fans you know. :rolleyes:
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline Eiksirf
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Originally posted by raslant
I agree with what your saying and the most annoying fanboys are nintendos.

I could take offense to that, being that I like Nintendo\'s stuff the best...  But then I figure if we\'re going to have fanboys, why not just piss everyone off and have the most annoying ones at the same time? ;]  Besides that, you\'re right, heh.

On topic, I\'m pulling for a Nintendo victory in this one.  While the GCN has sold me on a GBA, I\'m sure it could work the other way around as well.  Franchises will sell systems, too.  So will upstarts like Eternal Darkness.  So will the name Nintendo.  So will Nintendo\'s marketing.

They\'ve got a lot going on, and I think it might be enough to stay on top of Microsoft who can\'t match a number of those things.  Will it be enough to topple Sony?  That\'s tough, but personally I feel their stock has dropped in the public eye after launch (and many of the following months) being mired with shortages and problems.

I think each console will enjoy life, at least for awhile until one might get weeded out or at least decreased to being the obvious loser in the battle for marketshare.  (My guess is Microsoft in that respect.  It\'s just a feeling; I\'m not going to support it...)  But in the end I think the market as a whole is going to enjoy a great period of growth in the coming years.

\"What are you supposed to be, a clown or something?\"

Offline rastalant
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Originally posted by Eiksirf

I could take offense to that, being that I like Nintendo\'s stuff the best...  But then I figure if we\'re going to have fanboys, why not just piss everyone off and have the most annoying ones at the same time? ;]  Besides that, you\'re right, heh.

On topic, I\'m pulling for a Nintendo victory in this one.  While the GCN has sold me on a GBA, I\'m sure it could work the other way around as well.  Franchises will sell systems, too.  So will upstarts like Eternal Darkness.  So will the name Nintendo.  So will Nintendo\'s marketing.

They\'ve got a lot going on, and I think it might be enough to stay on top of Microsoft who can\'t match a number of those things.  Will it be enough to topple Sony?  That\'s tough, but personally I feel their stock has dropped in the public eye after launch (and many of the following months) being mired with shortages and problems.

I think each console will enjoy life, at least for awhile until one might get weeded out or at least decreased to being the obvious loser in the battle for marketshare.  (My guess is Microsoft in that respect.  It\'s just a feeling; I\'m not going to support it...)  But in the end I think the market as a whole is going to enjoy a great period of growth in the coming years.


Sorry I didn\'t mean to offened you.  I\'m  not talking about you personally.
Terrorizing Nintendo fanboys and this forum with strange and odd opinions - 24/7!!!!

Offline Eiksirf
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Originally posted by raslant
Sorry I didn\'t mean to offened you.  I\'m  not talking about you personally.

Nah it\'s cool.  In my own roundabout way, I was actually agreeing with you. ;]  Thanks, though.

\"What are you supposed to be, a clown or something?\"

Offline tHe GaMe
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I agree Eik.
Proud Owner of the Playstation 2, futrue Owner of Nintendo\'s Gamecube.

Sony vs. Nintendo Round 2

Microosft were do you wanna crash today?

Offline EmperorRob
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On a personal note, I think Microsoft needs to seriously carve out a user-base and fast.

Sony/Nintendo have their target audience.  Most of the games, that aren\'t franchises, that hit Sony systems won\'t ever make it to a Sega/Nintendo machine simply b/c of their intended audience.  And vice-versa.

Microsoft is either going to have to find a new target market or re-define one.
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Offline Toxical
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This is the Micro$oft plan:

1) Sell as many Xboxes as posible in North-America.
2) Try to sell at least 3 million in Japan.
3) Copy all succesful features/games and bring them over to their Xbox franchise.
4) Come out with improved XBox every 3 years. (Make sure it is backwards compatible)

The Xbox might not be a hit this year, but with lots of money from M$ it is just a matter of time before they bring better product to market. (It might never be perfect though) :D


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